Zhongli (C0) Damage Showcase [Main DPS Build] – Genshin Impact

Couldn’t get Vortex Vanquisher but I randy rolled a Primordial Jade Winged-Spear. I could have gone with a better second set bonus but what can you do.


46 thoughts on “Zhongli (C0) Damage Showcase [Main DPS Build] – Genshin Impact”

  1. ok im temporary replacing my geo bonus damage artifact for a crit damage after seeing that video because a 83% geo bonus damage ult im hitting is 30 to 50k damage. i have 44% crit rate and 77% crit damage on zhongli with a atk of 2184 at lv85 BP polearm. i have 50% crit rate and 158% crit damage on fischl and shes lv70 hitting almost as hard as my lv 81 razor she got skyward bow to so thats huge damage and its only lv70 while her atk is 1800 and razor is 2300 with a lv 80 prototype animus.

  2. all of those resources. Put into xiangling and you'll be dealing way more damage than zhongli.
    This is just a waste of resource. Lv90 5* weapon with godlike artifact good? Yea, no shit, but character of choice is wrong and the output would be higher on xiangling.

    I have personally tested xiangling physical DPS vs zhongli with exactly the same weapons and artifact because I used xiangling as crescent pike main dps before zhongli got released.
    While zhongli's normal attack combo is around 10% stronger compared to xiangling, after both using skills, zhongli lost by about 30% of total DPS.

    My test result is:
    xiangling only normal attack: 50%-55% of pyro regisvine HP in one vulnerable window
    zhongli only normal attack: 60%+ of pyro regisvine HP in one vulnerable window
    xiangling with normal attack and skills: pyro regisvine dead in one vulnerable window
    zhongli with normal attack and skill: pyro regisvine around 20% HP left

    there is no excuse to building zhongli as DPS because xiangling is a free character everyone have. But she lost to razor main DPS, which is why my crescent pike r4 is not being used right now, because I got razor too from zhongli's banner. Zhongli isn't build for DPS mainly because his skill have no damage and his burst take around 4s to cast before you can start moving again after casting, which is wasting a lot of DPS time.

  3. Lmao this is just a showcase for people who WANT to build zhongli as main dps. Dont try dictating people who they want to build ffs its a pve game no one really cares. (This is for the comments that say build this character instead of zhongli)

  4. Zhongli is probably one of my favorite characters in the game and it sucked to see that his original state was so lackluster. The purpose of this video was to show that it is possible to get some DPS out of him. Zhongli is fun and his animations are beautiful and I'm excited to see the buffs coming in 1.3! PLAY WHO YOU WANT TO PLAY!

    HP: 23K
    ATK: 1.8K
    CRIT RATE: 40.4%
    CRIT DMG: 130.9%
    PHY DMG BONAS: 69%

    Weapon: LVL90 Dragonspine Spear (For PHY DMG)
    physical Damage: 69%

    Artifact: 4 Piece All 5 🌟 GLADIATOR SET

    Constellation: ZERO

    Level – 7
    Level – 7
    Level – 7

    HP: 23K
    ATK: 2.1K
    CRIT RATE: 77.9%
    CRIT DMG: 130.9%

    Weapon: LVL90 Deathmatch (For Crit Rate)
    CRIT RATE: 36.8%

    Artifact: 4 Piece All 5 🌟 GLADIATOR SET

    Constellation: ZERO

    Level – 7
    Level – 7
    Level – 7

  6. Do you think he'll be a better main DPS after the buff? I recently got a 5 star crit rate% polearm and I already have zhongli. When I got it I felt like crying cause I don't like playing xiangling and zhongli doesn't deal much damage. I'm an f2p so it feels like a waste. I tried so hard to hit pity and got a 5 star useless polearm.

  7. this guy's ult got around 40k+ with physical dmg build, meanwhile i only got around 50k with full geo dmg build-_- 20% difference crit dmg tho. and of course b5 and b4 weapon have so much differences

  8. Looking at how his atk string's hits 1,4,5 and charged atk are geo infused(use elemental sight) yet it doesn't deal geo dmg despite its obvious design makes me think that all his buffs are reverts of his massive nerf.

  9. If anything this video proves the contrary. You leveled up him to 90, his auto attacks to 9, have a 5 star wepon, 50 % crit rate and 189% crit dmg and 83% physical attack all pieces 5 star maxed and u are only able to do at max 4k if he crits. Give even half of what u gave to a xiangling and she will hit way harder, let alone saying u nerfed the damage on his special for the sake of giving him the physical goblet(btw this comment is coming from an AR 52 player so I m only telling this bcs I know how expensive are the things I listed before, I played from day 2 or maybe 3 and I don't have even one character stacked the way your zhongli is )

  10. Man the artifacts you have with that good sub stats its so tough to get them and when you get them there hp and atk got increased and there crit dmg and rate as a sub stat got increased by like 2 % only. God pulls and luck is all this game is about. 😭😭😭

  11. I use Bloodstained Chivalry (2) and Gladiator's Finale (2) and a random piece for stats sake and I make more DMG with that combo, indeed the stats rolls are the game changer and painfully we rely on that factor. I agree ZhongLi changed my point of view when using Geo characters, now with the incoming 1.3 buff I think the new meta will be the fearsome duo (ZhongLi + Ninguang)


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