Zhongli Does RIDICULOUS DAMAGE With Staff Of Homa! Genshin Impact

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36 thoughts on “Zhongli Does RIDICULOUS DAMAGE With Staff Of Homa! Genshin Impact”

  1. Good builds, I know that you got 2 geo and stuff but still, damn! I got my staff after $700 :’) and 3 wolf, and a skyward atlas and a aqua 1h sword, I don’t have zong dad but I do plan to put on hu Tao, kind of curious, how much did you spend on the weapon banner until you got your first staff? :p

  2. lol i remeber this guy saying nah the vortex will still be better LOL CAPPP CAP CAP CAP how could u even say that w a weapon giving hp and zhongli scaling of hp and getting a buff of hp lol this guy is trash

  3. I still think Vortex is the best spear for Zhong Li. just because it has 20% Shield Strength. I think Jade Spear is still the Best spear for Xiao, and Homa is best for Hu Tao, just because of her mechanics.

  4. everyone here is doing over 100K with their characters and I'm barely hitting 22K and I'm wondering how they do it. Then I realize they have food buffs and then feel a little better about myself but not really

  5. you got the extra damage from geo resonance buff -20% geo resistance when you use the 2nd burst at the ruin guards and on the 3rd burst, the -20% geo resistance is already over that's why the dmg reverted back to the 1st burst.

  6. plus the fact that shield strength doesnt transfer to other characters, however additional HP% where Zhonglis shield scale can be transferred meaning even for support Zhongli Homa is better.

  7. Thank you for this video. After spending $400 and losing hope, I decided to pull one last time on the banner, after seeing your video. I pulled R5 Gravestone last night, I had 6 summons left and got staff of Homa on the 5th.


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