10 GAME LOSING Mistakes That EVERYONE in Low Elo Makes – League of Legends Season 11

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0:00​​​ Intro
0:19 Lack of CS
1:17 Not Playing For Power Spikes
2:41 Not Warding
3:39 Not Being Scared of the Dark
4:18 QOTD
4:36 Always Trying To Carry
5:23 No Pre-Game Prep
6:02 Lack of VOD Review
6:41 Using Cookie Cutter Builds
7:48 Bad Roams
8:54 Not Giving Up Objectives
10:09 Conclusion
10:23 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.15, Best support 11.15, best mid laners 11.15, best junglers 11.15, best top laners 11.15, patch 11.15 rundown, 11.15 lol, 11.15 changes, item buffs 11.15, hullbreaker buffs 11.15, blitzcrank buffs 11.15, caitlyn buffs 11.15, cassiopeia buffs 11.15, kennen buffs 11.15, mordekaiser buffs 11.15, nidalee buffs 11.15, rell buffs 11.15, shyvana buffs 11.15, syndra buffs 11.15, xayah buffs 11.15, annie 11.15 nerfs, aurelion sol 11.15 nerfs, gwen 11.15 nerfs, irelia 11.15 nerfs, kayle 11.15 nerfs, sylas 11.15 nerfs, thresh 11.15 nerfs, viego 11.15 nerfs, wukong 11.15 nerfs, rumble adjustments 11.15, dr. mundo adjustments 11.15,

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20 thoughts on “10 GAME LOSING Mistakes That EVERYONE in Low Elo Makes – League of Legends Season 11”

  1. The advice I’d like to give to my plat teammates is this: you don’t have to be the carry. I’m playing adc, trust that I can carry if you give me space. Sincerely, an adc who never gets tanks/cc on her team.

  2. QOTD: for the love of god, if I ping not to gank, don’t just come in my lane and do it anyway. When I ping danger and that I have 7% mana as anivia, I am not responsible for what happens after my jg decides to tower dive the fizz and then ? ping me for not dying with them

  3. QOTD: Stop playing champions just bc they look cool and if playing correctly they can cerry. You are not FAKER .
    Sometimes pick Rammus, Sejuani, Zac, Xin, Volibear and not Kha, Lee, Viego, Lilia, and DO NOT PICK Power-Farming Amumu.
    This problem mostly occurs in jungle.

  4. People don't understand the value of inhibs. Mid inhibs early in the Game are negative for your Team, and for a bot inhib For Baron Setup, it even might be Worth to die sometimes

  5. QOTD: KNOW YOUR MATCHUPS and play to them correctly. Stop trying to play Irelia and then get counterpicked by a Sett and whining your jungler isn't getting you ahead when they're trying to secure drake. You're on the defensive. DEAL WITH IT.

  6. I often suggest my teammates to buy grievous wounds items. The problem is that often no one does it, or they don't even know what grievous wounds items are. At that point, I recommend myself to God and try my best 😂

  7. Qotd: 1. Dont be toxic, its just a game, when you start flaming think about it: when you type and trash talk ,you stop focusing on the game, you fuk up your team morale, and you dont know who is on the otherside, maybe someone with a more fragile ego than you ( if you flame you have a fragile ego change my mind), they Will start typing too or go afk or start runing it down, and bumm you just a lost a winnable game.
    2. Play champs in ranked you are comfortable with, in low elo knowing your champ is count more,than first time playing irelia bcause its broken.
    3. Buy ward and watch the fukin minimap.
    4. Normal game is for trying out things and having fun, dont play like your life depends on it. If you flame in aram its your Time to take a break and something
    5. Life is more than just this game, do other things Than playing leauge all day, you are not a pro and probably wont be, so in the end of the day, you wont get real life credit for being in plat and not silver.
    6. Take your win and lose with pride.
    7. Its a competitve game, sometimes you win sometimes you lose, sometimes you carry sometimes you get carried. Sometimes the enemy just better than you, its not a broken champ or jungle diff, its you who made wrong decisions, it happens.
    8. You can almost always come back, take a deep breath and focus, dont ping ff15 or team mates, focus. In low elo there is a lot of player, who dont know what to do with advantage, they start running for kills, stop farming, forcing fights.
    9. Dont start fight if there is no object. Objects win the games not kda.
    10. Losing your lane not means you lost the game.

  8. Tank players that only build sun fire annoy me so much, speaking of only building the same item. Frostfire has a way better mythic passive and costs 400 less, meaning that you basically have a ruby crystal worth of gold for building frostfire instead of sunfire. The 5 armor/mr is negligible and sometimes the damage from sunfire just doesn’t matter.


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