10 STRONGEST LATE GAME CHAMPIONS in League of Legends – Season 11

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0:00 Intro
0:37 Top Lane
0:59 Jax
1:57 Kayle
3:05 Top Lane Honorable Mentions
4:06 Jungle
4:19 Karthus
4:56 Kindred
5:27 Jungle Honorable Mentions
6:19 QOTD
6:44 Mid-Lane
6:45 Veigar
7:32 Kassadin
8:08 Mid Lane Honorable Mentions
8:40 Bot-Lane
8:55 Senna
9:38 Kog’Maw
10:13 Bot-Lane Honorable Mentions
10:51 Support
11:01 Yuumi
11:27 Seraphine
11:53 Support Honorable Mention
12:26 Conclusion
12:46 Outro

Concepts: Concepts: Best ADC 11.5, Best support 11.5, best mid laners 11.5, best junglers 11.5, best top laners 11.5, patch 11.5 rundown, 11.5 lol, 11.5 changes, item buffs 11.5, black cleaver buffs 11.5, Maw of Malmortius buffs 11.5, Serpent’s Fang buffs 11.5, stridebreaker changes 11.5, Pyke buffs 11.5, Karma buffs 11.5, Trundle buffs 11.5, Master Yi buffs 11.5, Sejuani buffs 11.5, Jax buffs 11.5, Kog’maw buffs 11.5, Seraphine nerfs 11.5, Udyr nerfs 11.5, Rammus nerfs 11.5, Shaco nerfs 11.5, Rell nerfs 11.5, Azir nerfs 11.5, Senna nerfs 11.5, Gragas nerfs 11.5,

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47 thoughts on “10 STRONGEST LATE GAME CHAMPIONS in League of Legends – Season 11”

  1. QOTD: Illaoi and Irelia. I main ranged top laners because I'm a heartless cunt and also Caitlyn in a solo lane with lethality can literally 1-shot people with her ult, not to mention how amazing Sanguine Blade is on her, and Vayne is fucking crazy especially with Kraken Slayer but those 2 don't give a shit about your kiting, with Illaoi turning the whole lane into a hentai-nightmare with tentacles that don't care if you kite her and if she lands ONE E on you, you're pretty much fucked. Same deal with Irelia with her gap closer resetting on executes, if you fuck up trying to keep track of your minions hp and you miss just one she can double-dash, burn-your-flash, steal-your-cash combo + 200 AA range as melee… It's fucked because Illaoi is the harder counter, but since Irelia is so much more common I always ban Irelia, but that leaves me exposed vs Illaoi if she gets the pick after me…

  2. what happened to
    Camille 1 shotting your tanks with empowered E with 2 items
    Fiora being able to 1v1 anything by a mile

    Rhaast outsustaining your entire team's damage and AOE knockup CC's
    Rengar with full passive stacks oneshotting everything he pleases with his ult

    The wind bros with their bs free crit
    Ekko stunning easily stunning whole teams with a 30 sec get out of jail free card… and zhonyas… and rocketbelt

    How is kai'sa not even honourable mention? Can, assasinate, have stealth, mobility, burst, sustained %dmg, long range engage and self peel
    Twitch 900 range engages with hurricane are pretty devastating to not be considered
    Even xayah fits here… anything within her range with her W active is in a kill zone… plus her AOE stun and self peel

    Taric's ulti is valuable anywhere, specially late game
    Sona… think sera scales well? think twice, Sona's base abilities are much more spammable and scale better

  3. What about Thresh and his souls? Infinite scaling too. And another honorable mention for supp is Sona…thx to Seraphine she is being ignored entirely. 😐


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