10 Things League of Legends DESPERATELY Needs

I decided to try something fun today and give you guys a list of 10 things that should be added/changed/removed in League of Legends! Bear in mind this is my opinion and may or may not objectively improve the gaming experience for players, but I thought it would be fun to watch at least!

Introduction 0:00
#1 Alternative win conditions 0:57
#2 Nexus Blitz style events 2:21
#3 Greater defense 4:22
#4 Improved ban system 6:35
#5 More consumable items 7:49
#6 More summoner spells 9:09
#7 Reduce healing/shielding 10:23
#8 Greater focus on buffs 12:15
#9 Server wide MMR reset 13:34
#10 Effective tutorial 15:01

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#LoL #Top10 #Changes


45 thoughts on “10 Things League of Legends DESPERATELY Needs”

  1. Honestly, the turret reinforcement is smart. Maybe even make it as an upgrade the ENTIRE team can contribute and spend their resources elsewhere except for combat advantage. Maybe an upgrade for Health resistance boost to make towers more tanky, maybe an inhibitor buyback, a tower range upgrade? Could also bring the old laser attack on towers as an upgrade. If at its core league is a tower defense game i dont see how this would stray away from the game itself.

  2. All i want is enchanters that actually have an interesting way to heal or shield like a spreading virus(similar to brand ult but for allies) or having the shield or heal be delayed a few seconds. I was an enchanter main back when i played heroes of the storm but league of legends enchanters all do what they do in nearly the exact same way.

  3. me and my friend were playing duo bot in flexes last season a we played really goofy picks now my mmr is fucked for rest of eternity and with something aroung 48-49% wr im dropping down fast af. I am not willing to make new acc since i put money in battle passes etc. but i will never be able to climb out of bronze in flexes with mmr like that. Im not good or anything but im average silver player in solo but once i hit bronze 1 in flexes there coomes 10 games unwinable loose streak against gold and plat players and if i manage to win ill get like 8 to 10 LP and loose like 17. In bronze 3 where i currently am i get like 14 and loose 15. so yea im open to mmr resets

  4. i think the king of the hill idea wouldnt work too well the way you intend it to.

    sure it can spawn in ally favored areas. but for it to be fair. you would need it to last long enough for the enemy laner to get there from fountain at its start. and at that point. whats the point? it just becomes yet another forced fight objective.

    also. it can spawn in your jungle all you want. but if youre down to the last row of turretd before nexus turrets. and the enemy kayn pops out of every wall the minute you step into your jungle. again, whats the point.

    somethink i think that could be a cool addition is side quests. pretty much like eternals are now. but the game starts rewarding you for playing the game mid game. the further behind you are. the more valuable the side quests become.

    if the game sees your down and checks the teamwide vision score and sees that its low. then you get a quest for your team to collectively place wards and destroy other ward.

    or side quests to have teammates help players who are falling behind.

    or simply. land a certain ammount of skillshots to get some bonus gold.

    they can help teams come back, while also building better habits, while also trying to improve their skill level

  5. The banning system is what I felt the most here. It’s simply not enough for how many champions there are now and like you said both teams end up banning the same champions all the time

  6. A fully comprehensive tutorial does need to be included, but you forgot a major factor in that which would help the game's health overall.

    Legit: One of the reasons nobody likes to do it is because of how awful it is trying to *learn* it, because it's all trial by fire. Most of the time you can't even jungle in bots since it's 2/1/2, and you're actively putting someone else at a disadvantage.

  7. I remember trying to learn the game, and I had such a hard time because I was never told that cs matters. I think the tutorial is really important in terms of also teaching players roles and what they do, and how many players play per lane. Overall all of these things are pretty good suggestions.

  8. Relatable; my rank gold 4 jungle main. Mmr? Plat 1-2 with a few diamonds sprinkled in my norms. nawhatismymmr p0t8o1 NA (yes ik it’s NA and plat is shit which is why I’m there but my point still stands)

  9. The number 1 thing league needs is comeback mechanics OR!!! Hilariously reduced damage. No more 1 shoting. Bring the game back to bring skill based.

    I love the first thing you said. More win conditions is another way we can bring in comeback mechanics

  10. You should be able to deposit your gold into the Nexus in order to buy durability and damage upgrades for turrets… maybe the ability to augment them with AP/AD/pen/burn damage

  11. I think it was season 3 when they removed the summoner spell that now is blue trinket and a spell that empowered turrets and made them immune to damage for (i think) 10 seconds. They were very situational but that was fun 🙂

  12. I know this video isn't related, but I'd love to see a Why No One Plays on Seraphine (idk her play rate, but at least in norms, I never see her unless I play her) and also perhaps not for the "fuck seraphine she's a product" thing.

  13. someone in twitch chat had a good idea;

    allow PICK priority swaps.

    so basically you can switch up the pick order like you can swap champs. but this way you don't need to own every champ to pull it off.

    p1 adc – "can i pick for someone"
    p5 jg – "do you own taliah?"
    p1 adc – "no sry"
    p5 jg – "then no"

    but with a pick prio swap that would not be the case.

    "hey can i not first pick? too many counters for my main(s)"
    "sure. i want to secure my champ asap anyway"

  14. I agree with almost everything, I'd just like to add better rewards for good behaviour, sucks getting only 2 outdated skins and chromas on champs you don't play

  15. i always believed that buffing weak champs is better than nerfing because if they are all strong u can play what u like without getting a disadvantage just for that nerfs should be on extremely busted champs like: irellia kata fiora etc..

  16. Less damage overall.

    Part of the reason champions can drain tank so well these days is because they don’t really have to sacrifice any damage. The damage they do lose out on is overkill against most targets. We do need system nerfs to healing, but I think we also need system nerfs to damage, or at least sharper trade offs.

  17. With the giving you the reward taking baron thing, can be the problem with this, because the losing team can take one of those and the winning team has hard times covering both at once.

  18. Capture points… We had those in Twisted Treeline, and while cool and all, they def favour teams with a stronger earlier presence.
    Which is … bad? according to what I hear from you?

  19. That point about shields on champions that don't need it is actually so true. Akshan, Yone, Sett, even Sylas had a shield and heal on 1 ability. It's no wonder artillery/poke mages fell out so hard.

  20. i agree that healing should be exclusive to champs that revolve around healing. i hate being outhealed as aatrox by a yone and then he gets a 27165487326497632857 hp shield while i dont even have my revive 🙁

  21. Make the game less burst oriented – when I'm playing a tank, I want to be able to tank for a good ten seconds or so, not just an extra tenth of a second. I also don't want to be doing damage either, which is why items like sunfire and Titanic annoy me.

  22. I like the idea of having towers in the jungle or like in nexus blitz with that guardian thing. It can be a way to keep you safe inside your jg when behind, or it could be another objective to take when winning.

  23. Can we separate healing from lifesteal? I know it's a way to heal yourself but you are talking like if there was a lot of healing in the game when the reality you barely have healing in the way of moonstone, redemption, soraka, sona and seraphine. The main problem LoL has right now is lifesteal, it can't stay as it is. Non lifesteal oriented champions shouldn't be able to get more than 10% lifesteal and that's still a lot, specially when health bars normally won't exceed 3k but dmg can easily go up to 300 or 400. Irelia for instance builds shield bow and BoRK, which gets her somewhere around 30 or 40% lifesteal while doing easily 400dmg with each Q. That's basically 1k healing casting 5 Q's, which can be done in a second and represents 1/3 of her health bar for free by doing the exact same thing as if she wouldn't have it, and let's not even talk about Graves.

  24. I would actually like if they game each player their own color. In ally chat during champ selects, I always have to look at the player's name to know who talks, which is EXTREMELY annoying (knowing I'm a for fun player, I always like to have a fun chat with my team before the game, but sometimes they write so fast I can't keep up with who says what). Also during the game when everyone starts to talk in the chat, I can't keep up with who says what. Also make the /r during the game better ,not only every priv msg send is in yellow, doesn't matter if you or someone else sends the msg, but also it's such a pain to msg someone (some people have different letters so when you want to message them in game, goodluck).

    Don't think those changes will fix league but they would be so much better for communicating

  25. 10 is something I've been advocating for, for years, it kills new player experience to go from the crappy tutorial, to the meme worthy vs ai bot filled clown fiesta, and then arrive in a real game to get pub stomped because it taught them like 1 applicable skill.


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