10 WORST Champions YOU SHOULD AVOID Going Into Patch 11.15 – League of Legends Predictions

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0:00 Intro
0:33 Top lane
0:37 Vladimir
1:31 Gangplank
2:28 Jungle
2:32 Dr. Mundo
3:42 Rumble
4:15 Mid Lane
4:20 Azir
4:57 Akali
5:46 Bot Lane
5:50 Lucian
6:57 QOTD
7:14 Kalista
8:49 Support
8:53 Sett
9:55 Tahm Kench
10:30 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.15, Best support 11.15, best mid laners 11.15, best junglers 11.15, best top laners 11.15, patch 11.15 rundown, 11.15 lol, 11.15 changes, item buffs 11.15, hullbreaker buffs 11.15, blitzcrank buffs 11.15, caitlyn buffs 11.15, cassiopeia buffs 11.15, kennen buffs 11.15, mordekaiser buffs 11.15, nidalee buffs 11.15, rell buffs 11.15, shyvana buffs 11.15, syndra buffs 11.15, xayah buffs 11.15, annie 11.15 nerfs, aurelion sol 11.15 nerfs, gwen 11.15 nerfs, irelia 11.15 nerfs, kayle 11.15 nerfs, sylas 11.15 nerfs, thresh 11.15 nerfs, viego 11.15 nerfs, wukong 11.15 nerfs, rumble adjustments 11.15, dr. mundo adjustments 11.15,

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47 thoughts on “10 WORST Champions YOU SHOULD AVOID Going Into Patch 11.15 – League of Legends Predictions”

  1. I really like how this time you don't show the bad champs popping off. This time you really showed them getting wrecked so I don't even wanna try these for the time being.

  2. dont listen to them pls play the champ u enjoy and if u good at him ull climb im otping akali in her worst and best patches trust me if u good at the champ u enjoy ull make it work

  3. Most of them i think not even good at now
    Btw I think Kha'zix is a strong solo or duo
    Pick but i dont really think if it would stand up in a pro game very well

  4. QOTD: Darius. He is a lane bully, and lane bullying doesn’t really work in pro play. Since lane bullying is focused around heavily and easily punishing mistakes, but when no mistakes are made, such as in pro play, there is nothing to punish. If Darius doesn’t win lane he will just be less useful than the other top laner who has been playing safe. He is also so immobile that one gank from a jungler can instantly end his chances at being relevant for the rest of the game

  5. qotd: the answer is master yi.
    I would like to point out how perfect the vladamir clips encapsulates what you guys were trying to say.
    I really hate watching clips of you saying "oh lucian is bad because of a lack of range" when he was the only champ that could really kill janna there and even if another champ could there is no way they could have gotten out of there since either they took another turret shot or the jhin e.

  6. The akali changes are just horrible. Don't nerf something people learn when playing the champion. Make her numbers weak, at least it won't feel like I'm having to relearn stuff.

  7. WTF guys sett tahm is on ur s tire how the F is they the worst sett can deal 3k true damage and he is the worst ????????
    Vlad akali moundo gb they all are a good picks
    What about rengar what about trundle they and more champs are soo week and in need of a buff rengar is 26wr and he is not the worst
    Guys u suck i am unsubscribing

  8. qotd: pyke (support), he really really strong in Soloq because hes an assassin and works because of being aggressive. The downside is that you can't build health on pyke and so in the later stages of the game pyke will fall off unless he stomps lane. This is a problem because proplay is very passive and try to get tiny margins to win, with pyke its tough because he is a good champion and probably could be picked but why pick an agro bot lane like pyke, draven when naut or thresh are available or even leona when its not banned, pyke imo would be a top pick for proplay if given more health or being able to get bonus health however until then Pyke will only exist as as a soloq champion because of his other flaws especially when the game is coming to a conclusion near the 30-35 minitue mark

  9. You’re showing us people who have never played the game before. example, anyone who has played more than one game of league knows not to flash into a team fight w a quarter hp. (Gangplank gameplay) show actual league players and It’ll be a different story

  10. Vlad uses his health to attack, he should use the enemies blood instead. He will almost always get out damaged considering that most his abilities can't be used continuously. He has no cc and no real escape on top of taking his own life points to hurt you some more. Vlad just needs a full rework at this point. He could be changed to blur the line between assassin and mage making him have some invisibility wouldn't be a bad idea.

  11. the akali nerf that removed the EQ mechanic was way to hard. i have no problem with damage nerfs but that takes out mechanics that are important. think they should redo the nerf and nerf her E scalings because it deals nearly the same dmg as her ult in lategame

  12. This is one of the worst lists I have ever seen. It is so obvious that proguides is just looking at winrates and picking the lowest ones then justifying them being bad picks by just listing their generic drawbacks. GP weak early game?? Lucian being the worst champion in the game??


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