5 NEW Sleeper OP Picks & Builds Almost NOBODY USES in Patch 11.19 – League of Legends Season 11

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0:00 Intro
0:21 Zed
2:30 Talon
4:04 QotD
4:20 Tryndamere
5:35 Sona
7:10 Taliyah
8:41 Outro

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48 thoughts on “5 NEW Sleeper OP Picks & Builds Almost NOBODY USES in Patch 11.19 – League of Legends Season 11”

  1. QOTD definitely singed ! He is probably the worst top laner in lane op.gg has almost only negative lane kill in all match up. He can slow fling back and is good in team fight and so good counter gank. I am already otp singed jungle but a Lil buff would be nice

  2. Man it bothers me that mage are always at disadvantage, the're fun to play but they are not impactful atm, either you've got a marksman that right clicks you to death or an assassin when you need no skill just 1 single kill and you become unstoppable, oh or maybe a tank so beefy that as a mage you discharge your whole kit without missing a single skillshot and he loses like 1/12 of his hp and laughs at you


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