5 Sleeper OP Picks & Builds Almost NOBODY USES in League of Legends Patch 12.1 – Season 12

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0:00 Intro
0:22 Twitch
2:39 Senna
4:19 Nunu
5:45 QotD
6:02 Jax
7:43 Swain
9:19 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 12.1 Best support 12.1, best mid laners 12.1, best junglers 12.1, best top laners 12.1, patch 12.1 rundown, 12.1 lol, 12.1 changes, item buffs 12.1, preseason 12.1, chemtech drake 12.1, hextech drake 12.1, gwen buffs 12.1, olaf buffs 12.1, kaiโ€™sa buffs 12.1, varus buffs 12.1, pyke buffs 12.1, glacial augment buffs 12.1, first strike nerfs 12.1, dr. mundo nerfs 12.1, kassadin nerfs 12.1, lux nerfs 12.1, vayne nerfs 12.1, talon nerfs 12.1,

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27 thoughts on “5 Sleeper OP Picks & Builds Almost NOBODY USES in League of Legends Patch 12.1 – Season 12”

  1. Gwen top: her kit is fun. Healing percent on hit damage + extra range, attack speed, and damage on e. Her w mechanic is unique and very fun to use in team fights and her ult shreds as well as heals. Running ignite tp this season, trying not to take flash on any champ I play.

  2. QotD: I've mained Seraphine ever since she came out. If I get ahead early I can go full AP and help carry while still having my E and R for lockdown and W for sustain, but if I fall behind or stay even I can just build more supportive and my abilities will still be just as useful for the team.

  3. i don't understand why are they pushing jax he is in every op video and in s tier while in reality he is average nothing crazy strong late game and needs a lot of items and xp to do anything

  4. QotD: Im gonna be maining my infamous offtank zac! Ive been running this setup with glacial in runes and going sunfire-demonic embrace-abyssal mask and the dmg and disrruption you get is just insane, easy 1v5 and you are still very tanky

  5. I've come to realize no guide will really help you climb. Just pick a champion you're good at, get better with them and work on the fundamentals of the game and learn how every match up with your champion works.

  6. QOTD: I don't think I'll be changing my champ pool that much this season. Fiddle and Amumu will probably be my most played champions once again. I just need to play more games than I did in season 11 cause I really didnt play much and I want more than diamond 2. Maybe there'll be some good change in meta and I'll enjoy some other champ, but I'm not sure that'll happen


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