5 Tips To Become a SOLO QUEUE GOD! (Apex Season 11)

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5 Tips To Improve Solo Queueing in Apex Legends Season 11
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Apex Legends Solo Queue Tips
Apex Legends Solo Tips Season 11
Solo Queue Apex Tips
Improve as a solo apex legends



29 thoughts on “5 Tips To Become a SOLO QUEUE GOD! (Apex Season 11)”

  1. Thanks for being honest. Solo queue is frustrating.

    If they don't make Solo only matches, then they should at least make it easier for solos to gind other like minded players. Relying on PSN or Discord /Teamspeak isn't good enough for everyone.

    We need to be able to find players interested from the game menu itself. Adding players who you played with recently is in the game, but not good enough because often you don't want to wait till you meet players who are willing to team up.

  2. I really like your no-nonsense attitude about giving advice. Many times people want a gaming-merchant type voice to tell them “It’s okay” or whatever but the reality is people need tough love. If you don’t put in the work, you won’t get the returns. It’s why I get so frustrated when someone says to some high level streamer for their settings. Dude, those settings are what they are because they work specifically for that person, you using them doesn’t all of a sudden unlock a new level of skill within you. If anything, it will hinder you as now you gotta get used to new settings.

  3. The thing about the free-look, sometimes you cannot always rely on free-looking because sometimes you won't see another squad landing with you until they rush you out of no where, which is why I suggest a Valkyrie on the team just in-case that team slips through your vision.

  4. @mangosintrees im going to disagree about u saying that no fill is bad, trust me, in s9 i have a kd of .6 and i started only solo trioing, now, i have a kd of 6 (no fill only u have to keep in mind) and i 1v3 pred teams, honestly, no fill is the best way to improve

  5. I feel like the smartest player on apex whenever I solo queue. I have played solo for the majority of my time on apex. I don't even like to carry (Although if feels good when it pays off) since its stressful and I prefer to have a threat level of 1 decent apex player, not 3. I played with a premade consistently for the first time in season 10/11 and I win a lot more and can enjoy the game more since I don't have to be upset at bad teammates.

    I don't mind losing but only when its because of skill gap or a minor mistake, not because my teammates have little game sense even though they are lvl 500. lvl doesn't mean anything but it should at least mean you spent enough time on the game to be good at it. My friend started apex in season 10 and had learned a lot about the game by the time he was lvl 40 and its not like he had to put a lot of time into it. So I question why the average random on solo queue is so bad or almost brain dead.

  6. sadly the randoms I get are always jumpmaster and they always die bcuz they hot drop with 5 other teams even tho I ping somewhere else to make an easier rotation

  7. Awesome video with some great tips and also a reality check for solo queuers and people expecting to win 1v3s all the time. I do have a suggestion for some extra content. Maybe you could make videos about certain scenarios and how to treat them and how you can get the upper hand. For example being in a building with a team on the roof, door play scenarios from both sides, fights in buildings with multiple levels. Like typical awkward scenarios that could go wrong very easily


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