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38 thoughts on “7 LEAKED CHAMPION CHANGES FOR 11.18 – NEW META INCOMING – League of Legends Guide”

  1. This is why Im phasing out of tanks now and onto a champ like kled. These buffs won't matter when kled is breathing down your neck. Can't be insta-bursted, has decent sustain even through GW (haha singed), applies GW himself, anti tank diving backline engage bruiser skirmisher assassin. He's nowhere close to broken but at least he can play the game unlike, again, tanks. Unless you're mao (I dont involve tahm and mundo here since they are basically aatrox and singed 2.0) you have zero sustain, survivability or overall use without being at least even or slightly ahead of your enemy.

  2. Used to be a MF main but it sucks , changed it to a wider champ pool with champs like Kaisa Trist Ezreal Xayah Sivir Varus, MF got no cc, no dash, no self peel, and if the enemy has even a bit of sense, your ult will surely get interrupted. The passive is itself anti-adc, even though Kracken slayer is the most built item, it technically does not synergize well with the passive compared to champs like vayne jinx kaisa which gets rewarded with a kracken slayer

  3. I hope they won’t ruin qiyana like they did with taliyah but that’s pretty much a buff because you max q first while E last also you can probably fast clear raptors now

  4. They're buffing the most cancerous bot duo's? Yuumi + Kog'maw and Yuumi + Twitch at THE SAME TIME? I'm changing to playing mid. I cannot stand these combos. Those fizz changes are nuts too he'll be my perma ban if I do end up playing mid lol 2 seconds off his most bullshit ability? OOF.

  5. no buffs for wukong the divine and black cleaver buffs were the worst thing now the champ i one of the worst in the game i hope he reaches 45% of wr so the people can see what they done to my otp

  6. These fizz buffs won't affect my games. Whatever my role is (top, adc, midlane….) I've been banning fizz non stop since season 8. I have a huge dna handicap with my non existent reflexes so i can't ever play against this thing.


    theres now a small execute added to his ult which deals his current league of draven stacks as bonus damage, but only when it adds enough damage to execute his target.

    for example, if ult deals 200 each proc and you have 100 stacks, if the enemy has 500 hp you will kill them if you hit both passes directly on them. if they have 300 you only have to hit one. and his passive scales infinitely, technically >:D

  8. As a qiyana jgl main I can tell that these changes are huge for her. As an example she can ckear the wolf camp at the moment with 1 aa and 2 q's to each smal wolf at the moment after that buff she needs 2 aa less than before thats 2 seconds in earlygame

  9. I'm happy with the Singed change, bramble and morello really never fit with his build path so having that when ulted is really nice. If I were to make changes to Singed I would aim for his team fight potential and have his poison trail (when ulted) apply armor and MR reduction at some % (not sure what %, people better at numbers than me can do the math). That would encourage team fighting around Singed ultimate, and make it so ignoring Singed in a team fight (the best way to currently beat him unless he's giga fed) have some cost.

  10. i am a qiyana main, i dont like this changes bc i play qiyana on the bot with yuumi xd, and i want to hit them both with my q, witch is now the second just 50% :C


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