Apex Legends Does This to Every Legend…

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Octane’s time has finally come in Apex Legends… He has been on top for quite a while now and it’s time to give someone else the throne. His next big nerf comes in the mid-season 10 update and I’m excited to see how it shakes things up. Leave a like and subscribe, enjoy the video.

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36 thoughts on “Apex Legends Does This to Every Legend…”

  1. Stay saying things that need to be said. And I don't say becouse I'm Octane main, in fact I can't play Octane and barely use him. I can understand the idea of introducing a legend as OP to tune it down later (Horizon, Seer) after they released Revenant so weak that he had to be empowered later. But they seem to have periodic crusades against selected legend who happen to stand out in their statistics of pickrate and win rate.And then the theme changes and they dont touch that legend for good few seasons. 0:43 – noooooo ! Switch that back ! Who runs shotgun second, ar at first ?! No, god please no !

  2. I don't want to have octane or revenant in apex anymore…. i can't get it anymore ! Octanes are horrible 🙁 Always rushing you whan you can't do anything but die. Being back stabbed by revy….The audio already sucks BUT with revenant ? ? !!! It's just like cheating dude.

  3. I wish they would stop nerfing legends and buff others to even it out instead, also as a console player I don’t think they should remove tap strafing. It’s a movement mechanic and idk why they would get rid of it. I don’t care that I can’t do it, it’s fun to watch.

  4. Completely agree, Respawn loves to nerf legends instead of buffing legends to balance the game, which I believe is the wrong approach to balancing a game. Of course there are exceptions, however we are seeing the same thing with Seer and Octane at the moment, while they give a mini gun to Rampart and everything is completely okay….😑

  5. The bigger questions is…do you actually think/feel that what you did to the Valk feels fare? TS is an exploit that was never meant to be in the game, it allows unnatural moment that gives PC players another massive advantage over controller players. I play with my son every day (he on PC and I'm on Xbox), we clean lobbies all the time, but we sometimes run into PC players that do TS and its just completely bs.

  6. Octane was perfectly balanced season 8 when they added double jump and everything. Respawn just nerfs legends that get used the most🙄when in reality, they should buff they need to buff the legends that get used the least…so R.I.P. octane.

  7. Seriously though, every legend that it at the top of the meta gets knocked off soon as people start complaining. Instead of nerfing the GOOD legends BUFF the BAD ones to bring them up to par. Gibby, lifeline, wraith, octane, caustic, horizon have all been a lot of fun to play at their peak and they got nerfed into the ground. Guess respawn won’t be happy until every legend is mid tier and boring to play

  8. I miss playing apex I was close to level 500 but my mom sold my game 🥺I was crying so hard and stuff I will never get one again because they have no money like that no more so now I just got to watch YouTube’s play


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