Apex Legends New Passive Ability For All Legends

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Apex Legends New Passive Ability For All Legends

In today’s video I go over a new passive ability in season 12 which is now available for all legends to use. It allows people to scan and mark enemies on the minimap while skydiving, and this is one of the many quality of life improvements which respawn has made and will make to the game. The best part is that it simply adds to the game and does not take away any power from other legends. Hope you enjoy 🙂

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41 thoughts on “Apex Legends New Passive Ability For All Legends”

  1. Lifeline needs fast heals and her res shield back. Bangalore needs 3 smoke canister and needs to be able to see through the smoke. Gibraltar and caustic need to run faster. Wraith needs the time action reduces to phase.

  2. Many of my friends who are new to Apex have chosen to stick with starter legends like Bloodhound and Wraith and Bangalore because they are much easier to learn. Apex already has a steep learning curve, so having legends that aren't swamped with skills and passives allows them to focus on the gameplay.

  3. I mainly use Rev i think the tactic and the ulti are very good, but he is so slow men, you can say thats because he can climb higher and thats why yeah sure but i dont ferl that is fair, if he could run just like other legends he will be perfect

  4. Tbh I think Pathfinder is freaking great as-is.
    He's honestly one of the worst Legends to go up against, seeing as he's great for positioning, initiating, and running away. His positioning can be crazy if you play him correctly. And him getting his tactical and ultimate after using the recon beacon is super mint.

  5. I love the idea, but I think as APex legends evolve so to will the characters, giving us two options to choose from. from two passives to two tacticals. This will keep the game fresh and exciting for newer players.

  6. How does everyone just ignore pathfinders current passive. He is the only legend he gets a charge tower in EVERY map. That being the beacons making him auto get his Zipline. THATS A PASSIVE

  7. It's an overestimation, maggie isn't that complicated to learn:
    -Shoot someone and you'll reveal them
    -Run fast with shotgun
    -Drill damages people through walls.
    Sure the ult is a bit complex but it's also the weakest part of her.
    Some of the older legends are harder to learn than her: Crypto's drone, all of Mirage, Rampart. I don't think the new legends are that complex.

  8. Yes I was surprised when legends started speaking about the enemies landing close. But sometimes they land and say it, and there's no enemy. As for the difference between original and newer legends – there is a meme with doggo going around since Seer came out, which lists new abilities vs Mirage who can make decoy.

  9. NO. MORE. ABILITIES. THAT. DO. DAMAGE!!! people are rushing fights unleashing every tactical and ult before shooting anything and it just makes the game less about gunplay skill and movement tech which is the best part about apex.

  10. the difference between the new legends and the original legends are really starting to show but you have a good point, new players can play them easier. BUT

    I still think respawn should do a complete overhaul or rework of some legends who just cant keep up with the newer, stronger ones that are coming out

  11. Yep. I used to main lifeline but lately they seem to have completely forgotten about her. Her resurrect kit is useless in the new control mode since you die instantly, and of course her ultimate has never been the best. Although admittedly, her tactical is still very handy

  12. Pathfinder gets his ult from scanning beacons… What other recon gets the ult back from scanning beacons. I'll wait. You guys complain about everything, Maggie isn't even that good to warrant buffs for older characters. Just saying, I haven't been close to dying from Maggie's tactical and her ult isn't crazy like cryptos or Gibbys. If anything I'll get killed by the gun the Maggie is shooting over her abilities. Unlike caustic, fuse or Valkyrie that can kill with abilities easily, lame and time consuming but easily. If you dying to Maggie, there's a high chance you would've died regardless of who that player was using as she relies on the player to be better than average (Alot like Wattson and rampart) to be good with.

  13. Unpopular opinion. pathfinder sucks, all they ever did to him was nerf him, hes incredibly fun to play dont get me wrong, but with the hitbox nerfs and the grapple cooldown going up the further you slingshot it makes him hard to be competitive with. this can all be fixed by giving him 2 grapple charges. and giving him the fortified passive since hes so ridiculously easy to hit

  14. Apex is fine the way it is. Every character is in a good spot to shift the meta right now. Every character has counterplay. Maggie isn't broken , and there aren't too many abilities and passives. Pathfinder is fine the way he is. He's solid. His whole design is getting you and your team to the final ring easily. Not scanning enemies (play bloodhound or seer), not healing while on a Zipline(play lifeline, octane or Wattson for accessible healing), etc. He FINDS the PATH to the best spot in ring. That's it. Oh and he's also the only Character that can pull enemies to him

  15. My issue w pathfinder not having a passive isn't with his usability, cuz he stands tall without one. My thing is that the devs are working wit a 3 ability model and aren't sticking with it.if they don't want to stick to the 3 abilities guideline they set then I'd want to see more experimentation like multiple passive, a tac, no Ult. Or a passive, two tacs, and a Ult that switches in between. Filling in different niche's.

    Crypto was said to be a legend made to fill a niche, rev initially had multiple abilities that would've been super broken, and pathfinder really only has two abilities. To me it'd be a way to break through the roof in terms of possibilities inf many more ideas.

    Just a thought

  16. Very good point, well said. It made me wonder why they haven't done a complexity label of some kind, so new players can make a more informed decision when unlocking new legends. Plus.. unlock ALL legends in the Firing Range for everyone, so they can test out the legends before unlocking them, js

  17. since they gave everyone this passive it makes valk's passive useless so i hope they give valk another passive maybe like more speed for jumps or slides if you just tap jets and jump or slide.

  18. "Enemy cracked" is an amazing thing as well. About 90% of the time when playing with fills , they don't talk whatsoever so you never know what damage they did and if it's worth pushing. Crack a guy or two and bet i am charging in for the sake of life. We've lost/left many fights because of this , either teammates play from distance or crack someone and run away. All in all , it's very useful new feature.


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