Apex Legends Respawn Is Going Too Far With This, People Are Mad

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Apex Legends Respawn Is Going Too Far With This, People Are Mad

In today’s video I go over why respawn is going to far with the overpriced skins, especially with ones that are of low quality. It just isn’t right to be charging the same price as the battlepass for a skin that brings basically no value, and respawn seems to be making their prices progressively higher and more ridiculous as time passes. That’s why I’ve decided to address this in today’s video. Hope you enjoy 🙂

Shrugtal: https://twitter.com/shrugtal

Concept Skins Links:
Samurai Wraith Skin: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/jx3f1g/wraith_skin_design_by_me/
Shark Gibby: https://twitter.com/apex_intel/status/1236442780144189440?lang=ar-x-fm
Bloodhound With Cloak: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/dO4PGx
Red-ish Bloodhound Skin: Artstation- KlauxConceptArt
Both Octane Skins: https://twitter.com/daemonstar
Wattson Skin: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/g0de47/i_made_a_fan_skin_concept_for_wattson_critique/
Caustic Skin: https://twitter.com/alphaintel/status/1376280511614701579
Community Wallpapers: https://www.gamepur.com/guides/all-community-created-wallpapers-in-apex-legends

The Bruddahood Discord: https://discord.gg/nd8QjCSV
Gameplay Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsFq6u7K8g5OZsu-t_YSMcQ


40 thoughts on “Apex Legends Respawn Is Going Too Far With This, People Are Mad”

  1. Keep in mind, i'm not saying the developers suck at their jobs. They are most certainly good at doing their job, but what I am saying is that they can do it even better if the community helps out. I understand that making a skin is more than just the design as it requires a lot more technical work in order to be finished. However, I wholeheartedly believe that creating a system where (for example) the top 5 skins designed by the community each month gets worked on by respawn and get put into the game would work much better. A combination of efforts from both sides which allows both parties to benefit! Respawn makes more money, and the people who designed the top 5 skins each get a certain amount of prize money as a reward. Let me know what you think 🙂

  2. Community skins will NEVER be a thing because a huge company like EA doesnt want the chance that people might sue them for taking their work without a license, and maybe even with a contract to buy the skin design from a person there is the chance they get fucked too. Enjoy your stripes of different colors.

  3. Terrible,10$ for a horrible skin, what a joke, they're not even struggling money wise, they made a billion…. it's just lazy work and people that support this, by purchasing these trash skins are definitely blind. At the end it's their money but god…those skins are AWFUL. The community is so talented, I was impressed with all those artworks you showed in the video.

  4. I mean to me it makes sense that they’re 10 bucks. I mean like it’s a battle pass level that other players have grinded thru, so like if you dont wanna grind to have the skins right? Then pay

  5. They should 100% allow the community to design these skins and let the programmers bring them to life. The skins we're getting lately are honestly F tier but as you said it's probably money related. I know I won't be paying 1000 AC for a crappy rare looking epic skin thats for sure

  6. I absolutely love the community skins, they're better than most of the stuff that apex produces. It would be awesome of they let the community submit and give them a cut of the proceeds. I believe they are actually missing out on some fantastic content

  7. lol it's the gaming industry in general. have you seen the halo infinite skins? they're basically destiny 2 shaders for $20. they're gonna keep rolling this over priced garbage out as long as people keep buying it.

  8. Warframe is a great example of a game where the devs actually give members of the community tools and pay them based on the skin sales they make. They even have specific updates to add more of these community cosmetics.

  9. You are totally right. I would buy the Jessica Rabbit style Loba skin I saw on Reddit half year ago. I would buy it for 1000 as well I would not care 🙂 Anyway, a free phone game has a better financial strategy than these "guyz" we call devs. And they never learn…

  10. To prove your point about community skins would sell more and bring wanted content to the game… I was listening to this in the background until I looked over and saw that Shark Gibby skin. Now I'm going back to watch the whole video instead of just listen. I'd happily pay extra to cover both the price of coding/development from paper to game and the artist from the community. HAPPILY!!!

  11. I actually really like this idea. I think having community input will lead to some absolutely stunning skins. I think the one issue here is that they probably don't want to pay other people their royalties for these skins, they probably would rather just make the money themselves. I do think they should at least consider reaching out to those who want to help out and make skins and it would help grow the game and community so much

  12. As someone else said, I think skins could be stolen from the actual designer. Also, EA/Respawn would have to pay or reward the designers for skins likely and I imagine that wouldn't go over well

  13. this happened to overwatch until the devs started looking at concepts by the community and although they didn’t directly copy it they still took heavy inspiration from them you can literally see the difference from skins since they started doing that

  14. I think the thing with those community skins is that they would have to give credit to whoever designed the skin or a certain percentage of all the money made from that certain skin, or they don’t it could lead to lawsuits. Just a guess tho

  15. Look dead by daylight allows the community to make great skins, hell they are even free at times. BHVR is a very small company to say the least you’d expect to see some kind of similar plan from respawn being a what billion dollar company?


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