BASIC ANNIE Vs COMPLICATED AZIR – Climb to Master S11 | League of Legends

Welcome to Season 11 Annie we’re against an Azir who is one of Leagues most complicated champions, let’s see how Basic Vs Complicated goes!. Like, Comment & Subscribe! League of Legends Annie Mid Gameplay.

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BASIC ANNIE Vs COMPLICATED AZIR – Climb to Master S11 | League of Legends


33 thoughts on “BASIC ANNIE Vs COMPLICATED AZIR – Climb to Master S11 | League of Legends”

  1. Well to be fair, Ignite Nunu is against an Aatrox, Olaf, Aphelios, and Janna. I guess he doesn't want to wait for his Bramblevest? I think Flash on Nunu is pretty important though, stealing objectives, flashing to finish the E root, surviving when low are the basic uses.

  2. 7:22 * flashback to a few days ago * "… no reason to play with chat on. It's mostly just people with too big egos telling you how to play the game…" * end flashback *

    XD Just kidding – this time it was an obvious call at least. May your algorithm be as boosted as my rank, good sir!

  3. This guy keeps blaming his team every game while making misplays all the time himself. He never takes any blame when he fucks up, but if his team does anything (not necessarily even a misplay) they instantly get blamed.

  4. I’ve learned a lot of people in league refuse to change their play style, definition of insanity, expecting a different outcome when doing the same thing over and over again.

  5. Slightly late here but hey, it's some of my most played champions in toplane!
    to answer some questions: Yes, Wukong counters Aatrox hard (if he knows Aatrox) since he can basically avoid every Aatrox q and stomp him lvl 1-5. lvl 6 is very interesting in the matchup since Aatrox has a chance to win but only if he knows the matchup perfectly and can react insanely quick (and i won't go into detail how).
    Wukong still is good but not a lot of people can play him correctly, surprisingly, but theres a lot to minmax with the champion.
    Teamfight wise, both champions have pretty much equal teamfight pressure so what matters is how strong they got off lane (and both should get grievous wounds).
    lvl 16 if both champions fight it's kind of a 50/50 since their lategame isn't about damage but being near unkillable and teamfight machines so dueling is slightly pointless (unless you go Trinity Force on Wukong which i don't think is the best anymore)


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