BLOODHOUND'S QUEST CONTINUES! (Part 2 Old Ways, New Dawn – Apex Legends)

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►The 2nd part of the Bloodhound quest was unlocked today!

►Come watch me live and I’ll say hi –
►MUSIC: mostly epidemicsounds


28 thoughts on “BLOODHOUND'S QUEST CONTINUES! (Part 2 Old Ways, New Dawn – Apex Legends)”

  1. I wish they continue on season 5 pve style where we can focus more on story stuff since they can do more creative stuff than in Battle Royal mode.

  2. I got my 4th 20 bomb because of this even i was doing the challenge and me and 4 other bloodhounds were trying to do it we ended up encountering tons of squads and i was just going of only me and 1 other bloodhound made it to do the quest. I pay my respects to the 3 bloodhounds that didnt make R.I.P the all father watches upon you

  3. Hi kandyrew, Just gonna make a list of things that could improve apex or things to think about and post in each video cool?
    ……Cool. DISCLAIMER: I'm not a dev or business expert, just offering my two cents

    The List:
    quality of life improvements: connection issues, rejoin match, sound balancing ( no sound from foot steps or hearing staging from epicentre )

    possible new modes: golden guns ( every gun in the loot pool is found on the ground in it's golden form )

    gun game from call of duty ( land with a gun, every kill changes the gun to a more difficult gun to use/kill with; solo no armor )

    evolving guns ( no attachments are available, killing with base guns evolve said gun with attachments sight, mag, stock etc. )

    participation in the apex universe: voting polls ( legends re-color? vote for it. holo spray ideas? vote for it. Etc. )
    Personal note-communication between Devs and players is great, can be improved. How about letting us know what's going on in your heads, letting us know the intentions for the changes that are being made before hand. ( again just offering my 2 cents )

    content ideas: heirloom finishers ( upon receiving a heirloom you get a speical finisher that shows off said heirloom eg. wraith's finisher could have her stab someone, whisper in their ear "tell death i said hello" then she tosses them into the void like in the trailer )

    New gun ideas: energy pistol that fires once before reloading like golden eye's golden gun ( portable railgun perhaps? has high penetration )
    Some kind of tesla gun, a tesla LMG perhaps?

    ranked: more rewards for placement

    new badges: lights out badge- kill a player of full health and shield by only using melee ( does not apply if player is damaged by anything else ie. lava, teammates, cluster bombs etc.) 15 kill badge, thirsty badge- thirst 5/10/15 players in a single match, head hunter jutus- win the match after kill both champion and kill leader ( does not apply if they're one in the same )
    quick draw- kill a player within 20 seconds of landing from the drop ship, gold member- unlock all golden gun camo etc.

    unlockable gun camos: from call of duty doing challenges like 50 crouch kill with the shotgun unlocks a pink camo for that gun, unlocking all camos unlocks the golden gun camo.

    more money: real world QUALITY, purchasable items eg. a shield battery night lamp. wraith's airship assassin onesie, crypto's jacket.


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