C1 Hu Tao vs Childe (solo no team) – Genshin Impact

her charged attack is OP
and kawaii
so having her at constellation 1, when Hu Tao in a Paramita Papilio state activated by Guide to Afterlife (Her Elemental Skill), Hu Tao’s charged attack does not consume stamina which is good to reduce the stamina used for better charged attack combo (charge attack – quick dash – charged attack-repeat). And yes she is better with elemental reaction (maybe Xingqiu and Kaeya will be a good pair for her) especially with 4 set of crimson witch.


24 thoughts on “C1 Hu Tao vs Childe (solo no team) – Genshin Impact”

  1. I wanted to c1 her so bad but i pulled xiao when i wanted diona…. At least i pulled diluc right after im on guranteed but feels bad not having to c1 her cause i love the CA spam playstyle

  2. Damn she looks so fun to play… also nice job dodging all those chidle moves… one question tho, if u use her dash (which makes her invisible) then will u take a hit from the enemy if he hits u or is that like a complete dodge???


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