Controller Players…Try This Legend For Better Movement (Apex Legends)

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If you struggle with having good movement in apex legends and you play on controller in season 10 then you need to try out valkyrie. If you dedicate a few days to learning how this legend is meant to be played then you can dominate and catch a ton of enemies off guard with your movement! Movement is usually a skill dominated by mouse and keyboard players but today we take a step in the right direction by showing you some ways to combat this with some controller movement.

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45 thoughts on “Controller Players…Try This Legend For Better Movement (Apex Legends)”

  1. I just don't trust that set pack and iv seen ppl get straight beamed and not just at lower lobbys like gold and silver even in masters and pred iv seen it happens only played her a few times but I feal they should maby buff her tactical just a little mabey more fuel or just like a smidgen faster to drop

  2. I literally tried Valkyrie yesterday after being a bangalore main for over a year almost now, and the things I would pull off with her jetpack, flying through doors, over people's heads, to the high ground to easily win a fight, she's super underrated bruh.

  3. Bruh you can wall jump with valk first of all, you don’t have to even double tap x or whatever your jump button is to jump, second of all, you just wait a tiny bit longer and connect to the wall before you jump off so the jet pack doesn’t activate and as soon as you connect to the wall you only have to press jump once to jump off

  4. as a 4k / 20b 3k kills valk, i agree. she's awesome but there's a skill gap on how to properly use her jetpacks, people don't abuse the ULT to move around and scan people around the map to search fights / escape, don't spam the Q to stun and rush or finish 1-9 hp enemies healing, her overall kit is amazing

  5. I actually posted a similar opinion the the sub reddit and of course some people disagreed. I only have 180 kills on her and I stopped playing her because she literally makes the game easy. Its not an exaggeration. I noticed very quickly how strong her kit actually is. She simply has the best movement and no legend can keep up without being instantly turned on. She can also be a staple in every team because of her Ult. My opinion was that she isn't OP or broken but she is definitely over tuned. Compared to all the legends she is definitely the easiest to do well early on with. Where as all the others take time and precision Valk simply can go and go and go with NO drawbacks besides the obvious bad jetpack activation which is 100% preventable.

  6. Im a Valkrie main myself and these valks who probably don't use her fly up high in the air giving me free shots while easily predicting thats shes gonna use her tac. Kinda makes me dissapointed that people use the jetpack like that.

  7. So I woke up this morning, saw this video and decided to give Valk a try in hopes of finally ranking up to Diamond for the first time. And…I actually did! My very first match too. Had I played any other legend I'm sure I would have died and lost more RP (I needed 117). I literally solo/ratted to the final 3 and surprisingly I my final engagement was a 1v1! Talk about lucky. Thanks for the suggestion Sweat! you legit helped me rank up to Diamond and I'm super happy!

  8. What I hate when I play Valk is that once I use other characters my muscle memory now makes me think I can fly with Blood or whoever then octane just makes me spam my tactical 🤦🏽‍♂️

  9. Pro strat for Valk in arenas, I used this to climb to what should have been pred (barring the AP glitch I have)

    Valk's ult only climbs about 33% the altitude of what it does in BR, meaning you launch and close ground between you and enemies SIGNIFICANTLY faster. What this exclusively allows for are CROSS MAP REV ULT PUSHES WITH VALK. You can pop Rev's ult, then take valk's ult, go across the map, and still have about 10 seconds left to fight. I use this to ape enemies who are playing apart from their teammates, but it's also extremely easy to pair up with fuze, Gibby, or Horizon ult as a massive damage push.

  10. Valk’s ult goes higher than balloons I’m pretty sure at least. Repositioning with it is key. If a team is trying to hold you out of zone, use it and get ahead of them. Use to it to reposition your whole team to high ground before the other team or teams have a chance to react.

    Her movement is top tier and she is one of the most underrated characters.

  11. for 10 seasons, i have played almost all legends thinking this legend is my main but never really got comfortable with a legend as i am now with valk.
    cannot lie though, not having extra paddles on the PS5 controller makes it almost impossible to leave the jetpack control on hold…so it is double tab x all day long "it is not pretty but i am used to it by now"


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