Cyberpunk 2077

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There was a guy on twitter that was “outraged” he wasn’t able to play the digital version of Cyberpunk AFTER he got his refund…


43 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. Tell me why I should feel sorry for a corporation valued the same as Ubisoft. CDPR isn't a tiny indie developer. This mess is entirely their fault, as a consumer we call bullshit like this out. Stop putting profit for your shareholders first, and the final product second.

  2. I saw a review that said the bugs and glitches is not the main issue but the gameplay itself mainly horrendus AI. AI is missing features that were present even in Witcher 3 like your AI compaignion catches up to you but in CP you have to wait for them. People in cities are just props with very limited routines and dialogues. Its far cry from GTA yet they advertise it as such. Cars in street just stop when you get in their way no other reaction everything just stops. Cops just show up, wanted system is horrible again no AI and complexity of any kind. I feel like the bugs and glitches took away focus from the fact that the actual game is mediocre in game design and AI that belongs to early 2000s not 2020.

  3. I think the game was just overhyped. This wasn't worth the hype it got. It's just another humdrum open world. And for this game to be broken on last gen, there's no excuse. For games like Spider-Man, Horizon Zero Dawn, Red Dead Redemption 2, Arkham Knight, and so on to run fine on last gen, but not this. This is a joke, man. I don't think this is a bad game. But this game doesn't feel next gen. I've done all this stuff in other games. Even the character models don't look as crisp as character models in other games. The driving sucks. I feel like I'm driving on ice.

    It just is what it is. The game was overhyped beyond any reason it needed to be. And it delivered a mediocre open world experience.

  4. I personally don’t understand why Sony is being praised for removing the game. What Sony should be doing is working on a proper refund system like EA, Steam, Xbox and has. That way consumers can decide for themselves if they want to continue playing a broken game, or refunding it. Microsoft has extended the refunds for Cyberpunk and added a performance warning to the game. Come on Sony, it’s 2021. There’s no good excuse why not to give your fanbase a refund system, then again this is Sony and they dislike giving their fanbase choices.

  5. I agree its time tonleave these old systems behind. I have a 2070 max q and it runs at a solid 60fps on high settings with dlss turned on and ray tracing off.

  6. I wish it was just the bugs that make Cyberpunk a stinking putrid disappointment, the horrible lack lustre AI, the cut features, the brainless traffic, mono rails with no trains, barely interactive shops and bars, ncps nothing more than lifeless shuffling skittles, cops that barely do any coppering or instantly spawn guns firing.. Dated clunky on the rails set pieces, no satisfying addictive real RPG mechanics, pointless character customisation (you never see them! ) I was running around in underpants without realising nearly the entire game…. I could go on and on and on and on.

  7. CDPR single handedly improved Sony’s refund policy and that’s wonderful. Life lessons were literally learned all around from this disaster launch by shareholders, publishers, and Microsoft and Sony.

  8. Well, now that people got refund, nobody should complain? That is your message? Because of complaining we first place get refund.if we just sit quiet, nobody get refund and it would be just ok release broken game.i am playing this game series x and constant minor bugs happens and craphical looks and feel average level, but i guess i was expecting too much: rockstar/ubisoft level craphics.

  9. I don't care if a game launches buggy on consoles. It must be from being told how PC is bad because of a few PC ports over the years. 😎

    I have plenty of shit to play so I'm fine coming back to it later.

    Since the refund situation has improved, I hope this will stop the milking by these goddamn YouTubers.

    Fallout 76 controversy videos got so annoying during its time. I don't want this crap again. I wanna watch good content.

  10. Respect your opinions..

    But I think you missed one of the actual reasons the gaming community is upset. These companies are putting out these unfinished and knowingly broken games with no warning to their consumers. We can’t keep sitting around letting this happen saying “oh, they will fix it with a couple months of patching.”

    The hype was OOC for Cyberpunk but for all the regular gamers, the cool-headed people like me, it just seemed like another (seemingly) interesting game to sink some of my off-hours into.

    Oh, and if we let them slide off of their past reputation, hopeful they will fix the game eventually we will have another 2018/2019 Bethesda/BioWare/EA on our hands.

    The point that I think should be made is that game developers/publishing companies should delay these games until their ready because the situations will only get worse once gamers actually get their hands on their patch-fix-games

  11. Its shit how the game came out, so I just went back to valhalla on series x. Ill wait for series x cyberpunk patch to play the proper next gen version. Really shit they released it early than necessary. That's the companies fault, not the devs. They are just doing the job their bosses pay them to do.

  12. At this point it is just click bait Youtube and gaming news sites try to score cheap points by dunking on CDPR. They know the game is broken on last gen consoles. It never should have been launched. If you want a refund, get a refund. I am enjoying the hell out of the game on my Series X. Few bugs but no crashes. This will be one of my favorite games of all time once CDPR is done with it.

  13. Maybe I am in the minority here but I kinda disagree the notion that “it’s just a game” when it’s CDPR but if it were activision, EA, etc people would sharpen the pitchforks.

    CDPR shouldn’t have lied about the state of the game. they never mentioned how bad the Ai is, how dead the open world seems outside of story missions, lack of side content or meaningful choices, poor npc/police, lack of police chases or how they spawn behind you at random.

    Hell, I even saw the senior quest designer saying that the biggest problem was unrealistic expectations.

    Of course death threats aren’t the answer but come on now, let’s hold them responsible.

  14. despite all the glitches. im still enjoying the game on the pro lolz. and that new update yesterday really made some good improves to the game. rest assure when CDPR fixes all of the bugs. this game is gonan be godlike!

  15. Popular overreaction has been getting out of hand. I think most people don't really have a good grasp of how difficult a game of this size is to form and test. Don't recall a single game of what we call "AAA" that didn't have some bugs. Real question is " does the developer fix these problems?". Furthermore, let's put blame where it belongs. Management, egged on by marketing, announced this game long before they should have and then followed up by making simply impossible promises regarding ship date. You wanna string someone up? Those should be your targets, not the dev's who have been working 16 hour days to try and do the impossible. Anyways, enjoyed the voice of reason. Good vid.

  16. Piece of shit consoles? But you've loved them for the last 8 years right? ……oh i see ps5 is out now so that automatically means there pieces of shit now. I agree with the majority of what you just said but pieces of shit! Come on bro👍🏼

  17. Thank you for saying this it was definitely needed. So many of these you tubers already expressed their disinterest in the company from the Witcher 3 but they’re pushing it now to get more of that ad revenue.

  18. Also look at how games like GTA5 where running on the PS3 and xbox360. Not as bad as cyberpunk no but its a good reminder. Resolution was low, fps often below quite a lot below 30 fps.


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