Cyberpunk 2077 Day 1 Patch – Does It Fix The Game?


41 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Day 1 Patch – Does It Fix The Game?”

  1. every company has one bad game it's just some people seem to go way too crazy like for bethesda's case all of their respect was instantly burnt to ash simply because of fallout 76 maybe a little bit of fallout 4 but the one that apparently made them lost all their respect is fallout 76 I'm just hoping this doesn't happen and people say CDPR is deemed a Bethesda clone or worse

  2. I understand CDPR’s position, they said themselves they would’ve delayed another half a year to iron out the bugs but had to release the game now. At least we know they will patch and update the game over the next year and by the time any dlc comes out there won’t be nearly any bugs that serious…

  3. Console players you're currently playing the back compatible version without the day 1 patch, next gen version DOES NOT LAUNCH until early 2021 so if you're on next gen you're playing the xbox one and ps4 version

  4. Well, the patch didnt do much of anything. Stop making up excuses for CDPR. This excuse of "the scale" of their game got old. I dont care how ambitious it was, they had 7 years with 3 delays , zero excuse.

    In my first 5 minutes (started as Nomad, PS4 Pro) I saw several glitches. One was literally two NPC's sitting on top of one another…in the middle of the street…hovering.

    Then later, walking around NC I kept running into duplicate NPC's on the same stretch of sidewalk. I felt like I was playing GTA3 again, only GTA3 didnt have NPC's popping out of car roofs while driving….you bit off more than you could chew CDPR. smfh

  5. two things that need to be pointed out one back in 2013 they said this game was going to be released for PS4 and Xbox and the second thing to point out is, if this game came out at April 2020 there would have not been a PS5 release so why does this game look like blurry crap. CD project red owes us an explanation 😑🀬😀

  6. πŸœπŸ›πŸžπŸ•·πŸπŸ›πŸžπŸ•·πŸžπŸπŸ›πŸ•·πŸžπŸπŸ›πŸ•·πŸžπŸπŸ›πŸπŸžπŸ•·πŸ›πŸπŸ›πŸπŸžπŸ•·πŸ›πŸπŸžπŸ•·πŸœπŸ•·πŸ›πŸ•·πŸžπŸπŸ›πŸ•·πŸ•·πŸπŸœπŸ•·πŸœπŸπŸžπŸ•·πŸ›πŸπŸžπŸ•·πŸ›πŸπŸœπŸžπŸžπŸ•·πŸžπŸπŸžπŸ•·πŸ›πŸ•·πŸœπŸžπŸœπŸ•·πŸžπŸ•·πŸπŸœπŸžπŸπŸžπŸ•·πŸ›πŸžπŸ•·πŸžπŸπŸ›πŸ•·πŸœπŸžπŸžπŸ•·πŸ›πŸπŸœπŸ•·πŸžπŸ•·πŸžπŸ•·πŸ›πŸπŸœπŸ•·πŸžπŸ•·πŸπŸ•·πŸ›πŸ•·πŸžπŸπŸ›πŸ•·πŸžπŸ•·πŸœπŸπŸžπŸ•·πŸ›πŸπŸœπŸžπŸžπŸ•·πŸžπŸπŸžπŸœπŸžπŸ•·πŸœπŸ›πŸ•·πŸœπŸžπŸ•·πŸœπŸπŸžπŸ•·πŸ›πŸπŸœπŸ•·πŸ›πŸπŸžπŸ•·πŸπŸœπŸ•·πŸ›πŸπŸœπŸ•·πŸ•·πŸ•·πŸπŸ•·πŸ•·πŸ›πŸ›πŸœπŸ•·πŸœπŸπŸ›πŸ•·πŸžπŸπŸžπŸžπŸπŸπŸπŸœπŸœπŸœπŸœπŸ•·πŸ›πŸ•·πŸ›πŸ•·πŸžπŸπŸπŸžπŸ›πŸœπŸ•·πŸžπŸ›πŸžπŸ•·πŸπŸ›πŸœπŸ›πŸ•·πŸ›πŸžπŸžπŸ•·πŸπŸ•·πŸ›πŸœπŸ›πŸ•·πŸπŸžπŸŒπŸœπŸπŸžπŸœπŸ•·πŸπŸœπŸ•·πŸπŸ›πŸ•·πŸžπŸπŸœπŸ•·πŸœπŸžπŸ•·πŸ›πŸœπŸ•·'s

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  8. I played all rockstar online games at launch and bought no man sky at launch this is nothing. Those were broke too. Obviously it is a problem and needs to stop. I still want to keep supporting them because they have a history of fixing their product. At least they’re not Randy B*tchford

  9. I think people need to mentally prepare themselves that this game is still going to be seeing bugs months down the line and the question you need to ask yourself is do you buy it now and except that the bugs are there and may sully the experience or do you wait and play a more complete experience in a few months but risk being spoiled on story etc because the games been covered everywhere and is hard to avoid seeing it even when you try

  10. Game looks really good on Low settings on PC, however the optimisation is god awful and there is an issue where the game runs at 0% GPU usage and really under utilises your GPU which is quite annoying

  11. The first fight I had was confusing because my gun would not come out for the life of me and I had to rely on my npc partner to finish the fight which was a huge problem because he can only do so much. Then the enemy ai actually started fighting each other so it all worked out lmao.

  12. Can someone tell me what size is your game on Xbox with the latest patch on ?
    Mine ine 59.8 GB and Im not sure I have the patch instaled. I downloaded the game last night but nothing came up for download like a patch or something . And one more thing… I bought the game from the store on my xbox and I’m from Spain but I want the og voice and menu language, in the menu when I try to select English it sais not instaled , from where do I have to install the language and audios ? Thanks

  13. Beautiful, beautiful. Second time I've seen my name in a game. First is Lunar: Silver story saga and she was a SECONDARY antagonist. Now it's some eyes scooped out money hungry douchey thug. I'm not mad lol, I think it's funny that name is uncommon and ends up being used for baddies πŸ˜„


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