Cyberpunk 2077 Devs DESTROY CDPR Leaders Lies! Xbox Not Removing Game, Reviews & Stock Tank Again…

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★ Cyberpunk 2077 devs lashed out at leadership of CD Projekt Red for the games disastrous launch. Furthermore, Xbox confirms full refunds, CDPR stocks tank, review score falls & more!★
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46 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Devs DESTROY CDPR Leaders Lies! Xbox Not Removing Game, Reviews & Stock Tank Again…”

  1. At this point the gaming community needs to stick together and QUIT PREORDERING GAMES…. all that does is screw us every single time while the investors make $$$$$& we’re left a 60$ broken game that no one wants to play 😭🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️

  2. I'm about 70 hours in and it's been great so far, very pleased with the game. But then I went in totally blind, never heard anything about the game other than that it was being made, and who was making it. So no hype for me. Hell I didn't even know what cyberpunk was till I played this. Also, PC master race for the win.

  3. Stock price isn't revenue or cash flow or operating costs. Just some investors lose a theoretical value, which will probably be back by next year.

    Edit: Even with the drop they are worth about 3x the market cap of Ubisoft, as in still $18 Billion more.

  4. Gta V is Israel Adesanya and Cyberpunk 2077 is Paulo Costa. Watch and you'll see what i mean. Or mcgregor vs mayweather. All hype, appeared to came close, but ultimately failed hard.

  5. If this was a publicly traded company in the US, then the company & execs would be the target of a shareholder derivative class action lawsuit for fraud. I don't know the laws in Poland, but here it's illegal to make a statement like "the game is complete" a year before it's complete. Even worse, saying "it runs well on older consoles" and then when it's released a month later, Playstation has to remove it from their store because it's unplayable.

  6. be patient guys, its easy right now to shit on them atm, but at the end of the day they will update and provide you a great product. have faith, dont give them money right now, just wait

  7. There is all the hate everywhere about cyberpunk 2077, while i'm sitting here, just finished the main story and i think it was f*ckin awesome with a 9.5/10 storywise. Yes i'm a PC player and it runs well with geforce now, without buying the latest gen techs. In my honest opinion if you are a PC player and are dissatisfied, then the problem is your expectations, not the game itself. As for console players: their anger is understandable and they get refund, period.
    So i will gear up for a second playtrough after the first DLC comes out, because this game even with this much bugs is still fantastic, just by looking at any major questline's storyline, these can be a hollywood movie by themselves or the main questline of another 1st rate game.

  8. I think that wasn't much the game to be hyped, but CDPR as a company was over-praised. Sure the Witcher series were made but good games, but looking closer there were signs that they were overloading they capacity to produce content.
    Now is about how they respond. If they learn about this, it will be fine. We'll see

  9. "Disaster" LOL….."Unplayable".
    Been having a great time playing 2077…..only saw one glitch after hours.
    "Everything" is not wrong with 2077…everything is wrong for old gen console players is more accurate.

  10. They knew the game would crash at launch but they doubled down on marketing to get those pre-orders in. I think in terms of profit, even with refunds they made a shit tone of money. It is not fair towards the gamers and the devs so we must demand some heads to fall.

  11. What I don’t understand is how these big companies didn’t do this with Fallout 76, Andromeda, or Anthem. Broken, buggy messes that get a pass who all made 0 effort to make the game playable.

    I have more faith in CDPR than any of those developers.

  12. wasn't jason schreier also the guy who said somethink along the lines of
    "buhu another peasent cryed about a normal 8hr shift week"
    even tho the employee sounded the alarms clearly and youtubers played it down.

  13. I'm glad that you pointed out how they where lying and how they said it was running well and it was finished (i refuse to write down those quotes again, a lot, a lot of people didn't want to admit that, so i chose to repeat them endlessly for w while), even the team is pointing out that same point and some people fail to see how CDPR did wrong… Good God, some people.

    Man good on you, you deserve respect for the honesty.

  14. Whilst I have mad respect for Sony doing this I understand why Xbox don’t wanna remove it.
    As much as I’m disappointed, does this game (that does run well enough on next gen and pc, don’t tell me otherwise) deserve to be the test subject of this new thing sony is doing?
    That’s taking into account a few things also like-
    It wasn’t done to other games that were arguably worse.
    Fallout 76- genuinely, actually unplayable.
    No mans sky
    Cmon, you know cyberpunk has a good game underneath unlike they did upon their own launches.
    Then there’s also the fact that next gen does run it okay- should they have it removed when it runs fine?

    I appreciated Sony doing this as whilst I feel bad for CD, it’s a message for all other companies that they’re games may be completely ripped from stores if they do this.
    But thats my worry right there. If Sony doesn’t do this for every other game then they are some huge hypocrites.
    This must become a normal thing to do.

  15. It's those with unnecessary expectations going into the game. I loved the game, and with fixes, i truly believe the game will be great. I mean look at games like 2k, fifa and cod. Its just same shit different and people still are drawn to it like flies to shit.

  16. Legacy, could you please ask for a new toaster for Yule so we can get 1440p videos? Most of us non-casuals are in the 1440p are nowadays at least and would like to see… okay, before I make a passive aggressive joke like that, I'd like to commend you for sticking it out and trying to defend Cyberpunk. I'd entreat to remind you that the PC version f the game, which it was initially built for, is overall positive, despite some of these large, early adopter bugs. CDPR has always been slow to make their games stick out. The Witcher 3 wasn't really that great on console until last year, years after it came out on PC, and its only been a couple years since then that they've had any real experience optimizing even an "older" game on consoles. They have a lot to learn basically. TW2 still remains a game that suffers from basically just not having dlss support. It can look very good even today if you can super sample it, but many games, even Anthem or FO76, look amazing with very little effort on the local side. This will definately be an amazing game down the road. CDPR will fight the good fight, as they always have, ecspecially to uphold this reputation theyve fought to earn. I don't doubt that. But it's a long battle, and not one that you have to spend all your effort trying to defend. I'd say make your peace with it and revisit it in January and February when the patches drop. As for now, just ve on and cover some of the other big games not getting a lot of coverage yet. You're big enough where you can do content like that. You might as well give it a shot during this holiday time, and learn as much as you can about new content.


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