Cyberpunk 2077 Get Silverhands' Gun, Porsche and Jacket (Missable Items)

(MISSABLE ITEMS) How to get Johnny Silverhands Porsche, Gun and Jacket in Cyberpunk 2077. Johnny’s Pistol is the Malorian Arms 3516 Pistol in Cyberpunk. His car is modelled off the real 911 Turbo Porsche. This video I show you how to progress in the story enough to unlock the mission in Cyberpunk required to unlock the secret missable items.

Cyberpunk 2077 Porsche
Cyberpunk Johnny Silverhand Gun
Johnny Silverhands Porsche
Johnny Silverhands car
Cyberpunk 2077 Malorian Arms 3516 Pistol
Cyberpunk 2077 Missable items
cyberpunk 2077 ps5


31 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Get Silverhands' Gun, Porsche and Jacket (Missable Items)”

  1. right after the mission with panam where we got Hellman we went outside and silverhand was talking about things mission was called tapewarm and the only option was to take pills to stop it… does that mean mission was skipped? how can i do it anyone knows?

  2. Crazy, I never got any of these missions. I am 75% done with the main story and have over 30 hours in the game. Never got any of these quests. So clearly this isn’t an “early game” quest line.

  3. So I chose nomad and I did the ghost town mission first thing in act two after takemura let me leave I got the tapeworm mission but there was no options like what’s showing in the vid and I only had a convo with Johnny the tapeworm mission disappeared and I never got the chippin in mission can someone help

  4. Yeh this would be great but for 50% of players the tapeworm mission is bugged, it's such a shame because this stuff seems really cool but most players wont be able to experience it until CDPR decide to actually fix the bug.

  5. Playing this game so much that I'm starting to make my own cyberpunk game in my dreams… For a good few days now, its scary lmaoo

    Like I'm me, in the cyber world, doing gigs. Lmao life is so bored that I'm subconsciously making another life


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