Cyberpunk 2077 Getting rejected by River reaction

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48 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Getting rejected by River reaction”

  1. Title: After rejected by Ward

    Saul: V, I understand what you are feeling right now. But you cannot depend on the signals. Just because he invited you to his house and meet with his family does not mean he wants to be with you.

    Maybe you should consider Panam. Ever since she came back into the family, all she has been doing is sitting around and talks about you constantly. I keep hearing her saying things like:
    “What’s V doing?”
    “Why hasn’t he called?”
    “He look so cute when he gouge Nash’s eyes for me”

    See, V? I’m not judging you if you have your own sexual preference. I know you having the hots for Kerry, but fucking hell V…. He is older than my great grandpappy. I know it’s love, but all you did was make him feel alive again. I doubt he would be willing to compromise for you.

    As for Panam, I have no doubt and she is 100% determine about you. Sometimes love comes in unexpected ways. Trust me.


  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't played with Female V yet, but I think the side quest dialogues before the romance parts are exactly the same for Male and Female V. That's why both River and Judy's dialogue felt flirty to me while playing. I had no idea Judy was not romanceable before the wetsuit talk, and I actually thought River was the gay option until seeing this video. Or maybe I am socially impaired lol

  3. yeah i tought the ugly oneeyed monster was bi to.
    but turns out he is not… i still dont understand who in the hell talks to his friends like that.

    Wards comments towards you:

    -Hey i tought you didnt want to hang out with me, im happy i was wrong.
    -hey… im happy i can always count on you.
    -hey, wanna ride with me (in a soft voice)
    -Hey thank you for hanging out with my family, i realy appreciate this.
    -hey let me show you my secret spot
    -hey do you like the view

    i mean im gay and stuff like that i only get from guys who want to donk me ok, my hetero friends would never ever say anything that awkward to me….

  4. This scene was actually pretty good. I did it because I was curious how they'd handle it, glad they didn't make him homophobic. Also I find it weird that the dinner scene also hints at Joss liking v if Male but doesn't give her as an alternative option.

  5. video idea for you:

    when you first get johnnys porsche and he rides in it with you if you get out and start shooting the car he gets mad and i dont think ive seen anyone upload this interaction

  6. haha I denied him so fast with my Fem V. when the kid said "raise your hand if you think V and uncle river make a good couple" it was so awkward bc no one followed along… my V was just like "let's eat"

  7. I literally felt so bad for him as female v after already being with Judy. He literally brought me to meet his family at dinner, I got dressed up nice and everything. Then that awkward conversation with his family and he takes you go to the tower and everything. Ashamed to say I definitely pity fricked him. But he literally just doesn’t calls you after and gives you a bit of an attitude so I feel played >:(

  8. I like how this channel poped up when i decided to buy the game. Then all these S A U L videos came up and made my week enjoyable despite how im basicly bombarded with the polls


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