Cyberpunk 2077: SECRET MYSTERY TEASER TRAILER LADY FOUND IN GAME – Secret Mission – Melissa Rory

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The original Cyberpunk 2077 teaser trailer from 7 years ago featured a sexy lady unknown to the viewer what importance or role she would play in the game upon release, its been thought none, but actually you can find her in game & within this video I will see the guide you in doing so.
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42 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077: SECRET MYSTERY TEASER TRAILER LADY FOUND IN GAME – Secret Mission – Melissa Rory”

  1. I guess another cut content, I think this is the opening mission to join maxtac but you cant do that because both answers is a no said different ways to sell the illusion of choice. What the hell cdpr?

  2. I like how even CC can't consistently translate your monologue. I was trying ti figure out which mission had to be done to get this one started "plane prologue" thanks YouTube CC

  3. I found an abandoned apartment that is an obvious unfinished quest that has something to do with scavs that's actually terrifying and dark like the place was pitch black and silent other than the occasional something tinging or something. The ambiance was amazing, probably the scariest moment in cyberpunk and there weren't even any enemies lol.

  4. There needs to be more to this story , so sad that something so cool only gets a few mins of actual gameplay.

    A DLC where you get to live her life til the point of the trailer and then work as a MAXTAC officer would be legit, and i would probably pay for it lol

  5. Super cool dude! I also picked up a shard that was someone claiming that every Max TAC officer was once a psycho and I thought, hinting that every psycho we take down without killing is going to be reconditioned as a Max TAC officer.

    (I’ve been doing non lethal take downs of all psychos as per Regina’s request. Unlike you DPJ, but you’re obviously a remorseless killing machine)


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