Cyberpunk 2077 – Two Months Later! An Uncertain Future…

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Things are not looking good for Cyberpunk 2077 two months are launch. Even today the game is not back up on the PSN Storefront. What does the future look like? Let’s discuss…

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22 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Two Months Later! An Uncertain Future…”

  1. Yeah, TWO MONTHS. Do people really expect CDPR to wave a magic wand and completely remake a game as huge as CP77 in the middle of a pandemic and hacking incident within TWO MONTHS? You people complain about unrealistic expectations while having unrealistic expectations yourselves.

  2. this game is a digital lie that took our money. i think im like many others who are over it. id find a different game to cover cuz all these stories you do about a broken game from a company that lied to us is not entertaining. it just brings up feelings of anger towards cd PR. You could talk about pretty much any other game and itd be better than cyberbug news. Talk about overwatch nerfing and buffing all of its characters every 2 months instead of making new characters…talk about an open world game that did things right….talk about your favorite mmo and why u like it…theres a few ideas…peace!

  3. This is hysterionic nonsense.

    The game will get a couple free expansions, then sell a couple DLC passes. Anybody who considers the game an overall failure really isn't looking at it objectively.

  4. Idk, been playing since launch on a base ps4 and have been having an OK time, yeah I wish it would crash less but reminds me of when skyrim or fallout 3 came out and I still had fun with those, and this game has gotten better with each update. I guess now in the age of social media in a pandemic very small inconveniences become huge for no reason. I. Still. Like. The. Game.

  5. Unless CDPR adds A.I. and completely overhauls the police system and trash spawn system, this game will remain a pile of garbage. Also, I'm not expecting for any new content from the developers, at least I hope they'll release more modding tools so the modders will be able to add them.

  6. The problem is even if you introduce expansions, it will be the same hack and shoot unless CDPR makes some core fundamental changes are made which will make it into a totally different game. Its a jack of all trades master of none. Its not a stealth game like MGS. Its also not a hack and shoot like Doom or Halo. Its just one hot mess with an identity crisis. I remain steadfast on my stance that Cyberpunk should have been like Baldurs Gate since its essence was a co-op rpg.

  7. It sucks that Cyberpunk is having so much problem because the base game and concept is amazing. I don't think they'll fall as deep as anthem or fallout 76 but they definitely have some work to do. Also that being said I don't think they're going to have a huge comeback like no man's sky. They'll probably have some good updates in the late future that brings some of the player base back. Also they still have so many glitches that they need to work on. But I think it would be wise for them to start cutting their losses and maybe using what they have to create a sequel. Keep updating this version of it so that when you create the second version it can actually be what you were planning. Despite the missing content this is still one of my favorite games to come out in a while. 🤷

  8. I know Athem and also everything going on here is crazy definitely keep covering this story the whole thing is unfortunate but it is kind of hilarious that what’s happening to them is exactly what there game is about in the first place Lmao 😂🤣 it is a wicked entertaining story I hope they do put all the missing storylines back into the game. The trauma team etc acid rain etc oh when it rains it definitely poors there is of course other games to cover but I think you hit the nail on the head to me it’s still definitely interesting and also just like you said a movie about this game would be absolutely brilliant

  9. Refunds are still active after 14days of play…I will pay for it again and play it if it’s fixed…broken perks, bugs, glitches were too much for me. getting stuck in a garbage bag unable to get out was the last straw…lol


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