EVERYTHING We Know So Far About the NEW 3.10 Patch – CRAZY AGENT CHANGES – Valorant Guide

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22 thoughts on “EVERYTHING We Know So Far About the NEW 3.10 Patch – CRAZY AGENT CHANGES – Valorant Guide”

  1. Why are they banning people for smurfing when they still literally incentivize it? Until they unrestrict parties, smurfing will always be a problem and there's nobody to blame for it but Riot themselves. This is a fun game, but goddamn Riot is so fucking retarded. Idk how they manage to keep surprising me with their sheer incompetence.

  2. The smurfing problem is 1000% Riots fault and it will continue to be their fault and nobody elses until they unrestrict parties. Let people play with their friends! ONLY THEN is it justified to start dropping the ban hammer. Bans should be a last resort after they've addressed everything THEY do to contribute to the problem. That said, I think people like Timmy or Keeoh are big pieces of shit for "challenging" themselves against irons LOL (Keeoh is unironically gold/plat, change my mind) But, again, riot needs to get their shit together before they start punishing people for their poor management. Rules should be applied equally: if my best bro doesn't deserve a ban for dropping a few divs to play with me, the pros don't either.

  3. the animation should be about kingdom and the valorant protocol that should include all the agents (maybe) including "the agent who is away" but more about the kingdom and radianite the valorant protocol earth 2 all those stuff with agents interpersonal relation
    in summary I THINK the show should be about indepth lore with the agents sprinkled on top of it

  4. if riot wants to stop smurfing from ruining as many games they can adjust their matchmaking/mmr calculation process. honestly, whats the difference between a radiant smurfng and somebody who got really good through playing unranked trying ranked out for the first time

  5. Smurfs need bans. period. one guys sweat turning into tears isn't nearly enough to make my heart bleed over Smurf woes. I'm sorry you suck at your own rank and get your dick kicked in every time you play, but i don't see how going down to lower ranks and smashing weaker people makes you feel any better. i don't feel good about smashing irons or bronze players. i feel good when i smash on people my own rank. cuz that's how i know I'm improving. if i wanted to see heads pop on easy mode id just go into the training arena and pop robots. if you get off on making other people miserable, you're just a piece of shit. period


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