EVERYTHING WRONG with RANKED in Apex Legends – This is SO UNFAIR – Update Guide

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29 thoughts on “EVERYTHING WRONG with RANKED in Apex Legends – This is SO UNFAIR – Update Guide”

  1. this points system is completely fine, its making the game way faster and the aggro/movement meta is so fun to play.
    now i barely play pubs because ranked is actually enjoyable, and i dont have to play against caustic gibby loba camping a building until late farming damage with charge rifles every game 😀
    maybe the matchmaking has to be fixed a bit, but this ranking system is defo the best, the game was not that fun back in the days and almost every player that wanted to have fun had to go in pubs.

  2. The problem is all of the players who think only the movement meta should matter, some people think that's fun but I personally think its beginning to ruin the game. I play the game for fun and I can safely say I'm not having fun most games because all I get a sweaty players using movement legends in every match. There's no variety.

    Each legend should be equally viable, each playstyle should be equally viable. If a team is playing defensively and have locked down a location then they should be rewarded for that because that does take skill as much as all the meta players will disagree. If you can't beat them because you don't have the game sense or your entire team picked movement legends without utility then that's your fault for either not being good enough or not playing smart.

  3. Ive said this for a long time look at csgo, val, rainbow 6 all ranked game modes are almost identical to tournaments because they set it up to be a introduction to comp/tournaments side of the game going to the algs format would be great

  4. If they kept the same point format now I would really like it if they threw a few points for both knocks and damage dealt. Not major, but I was thinking 1 point for every 50 damage done, and maybe 3 for a knock

    Just as a way to let you get some points when you have a game where you get 2-4 knocks with 700-800 damage but only get a kill out of it. That’s the worst feeling in ranked imo

  5. I think ranked should start the game at net 0 instead of negative (x amount). We should lose RP overtime, with higher ranks losing RP at faster rates. Kills/assists and placement, slow the drain rate until a specific kill or placement threshold where you then start to gain RP overtime. (This will be different values for different ranks). Getting knocked pauses any RP increase overtime for the duration of the time your are knocked. Once killed, you stop gaining RP and if respawned, land with the amount you had before you died.

    That way, landing hot and dying off the rip isn't as punished if you die. Its rewarded if you get kills/assists with a slower RP drain rate earlier in the game. And if you want to try and frag out early game, the risk of fighting can come with the possibility of reaching your ranks placement/kill threshold, where you start gaining RP instead of losing it of kills alone, before teams who are trying to get there through placement alone. However, other teams will be going for that strategy too and you will risk running into them as well.

    Getting team wipes gets you RP, but it also changes your placement. This is where the incentive to stay alive and camp/play placement, especially in late games come in, because the longer you are alive in your current placement, the more points you get per second. So lets say staying alive in Gold Lobbys in top 10 without any kills is the threshold to start gaining RP, and after 30 seconds gains you 15RP but staying alive in top 10 after 1 minute gains you 40RP, not 30RP. ( higher placements give you higher RP overtime of course. With higher ranks demanding higher pure placement to start gaining RP. A combination of kills/assists will always get in you start gaining RP with lower placements )

    This placement system can also be used an interesting way when it comes to thinking about third partying in the mid game. As a worthwhile third partying strategy for mid game could be to still run at shots, not to try and thirst the teams fighting, but to try to prolong the fight as long as possible either for your benefit if your gaining RP, or to other teams determinant if they are still currently losing RP. (You wont know how many kills they other teams have but you will know what placement they entire lobby is, and you will have a rough idea based on that.)

  6. I still dont understand match making because every time in the game have godly teammates when I get people that dont know what their doing not blaming anyone else but its confusing how is this good match making

  7. kp should be six and you can stack it only with plasemnet and assissts
    assissts can be obtained eveven if you are not in fight and dealt a lot of damage
    because most of the times i nearly kill somebody and his team comes and kills me and the same repeats
    but when my ream kills them i have no points from assissts or kp
    which is also messed up.

  8. I think the rank system should be an adaptable system based on the rank you are in. It might make it more confusing, but have more kp focus system in gold and below (this could help get players that shouldn't be in those lobbies out quicker) but as you hit platinum it should change more to placement. I know this might make things over complicated for rank. Let's be honest, gold lobbies and under you don't have as many squads in later rings anyways.

  9. Ranked is a tier based system, with the besto on top. The best should get the most points and from there it gets less and less. So the ALGS system is the best. It should also reward damage over kills, because the damage is what contributes to the team. So you would get rewarded for doing your part and not getting one point for, in the worst case, 1 damage.

  10. One thing that confuses me is how KP works, do you already have a video on this or will you be willing to make one? I've had games where I've hit players for well over a hundred in the last 20 seconds and when they die I seem to get no KP whatsoever

  11. I get ho most people consider callouts unnecessary until around plat but I played a match with a pred and the difference was staggering. Having literally any coms helps drastically and I believe if you have a mic you should use it whenever possible. In lower ranks,it may not make a big difference but it will speed up getting from one rank to another.

  12. Ranked should reward revives and respawning your team, like 5 points each. Kills should get less points. Knockdowns should get at least a point or two, and placement should be most weighted. I’m for anything that rewards smart team play.

  13. I would love to see ranked adopt the algs format of scoring. I believe it's a sweet spot to satisfy all play styles and demands from players. Kills are still rewarded at well people who understand zones and play for placement but then we also finally get team kp.

  14. I’ve been in diamond since season 3. During the early seasons people would just rat until the very end. Games were extremely boring. People would instantly run from fights and you often wouldn’t see anyone for 15 mins. The way the unlimited kills RP adds in to ranked makes the games way more action packed and skillful since you can’t just hide to rank up. Side not though; I do think it would be beneficial to make revives and respawns count toward your RP in someway but only once per teammate so it can’t be abused.


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