FFXIV NIN Controller Guide | Shadowbringers Ninja Guide

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FFXIV NIN Controller Guide | Shadowbringers Ninja Guide | Ginger Prime Gaming Check out More FF14 Videos: https://bit.ly/GP_FinalFantasy Ginger Prime …


10 thoughts on “FFXIV NIN Controller Guide | Shadowbringers Ninja Guide”

  1. Thank you so much for making these. ^___^ I am considering getting into controller play, as I have been told it might be better for my wrists and joints (hypermobility and long time play sessions can be a challenge). But I am actually really bad at picking up new skills, and I just KNOW that I'd be frustrated to the point of controller-chucking if I ever did this from scratch. And especially ninja and summoner would be classes I'd be curious to know how to play. So while relearning how to do this might still be 'ARRGH'-inducing, it'll be much less frustrating with these guides to lean against. πŸ˜€ Thank you! ^___^
    (Also, very cool-looking Hrothgar, not sure I've ever commented on that before!)


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