Flea Market Video Game Hunting Episode 17: First Flea Market of 2021!

It’s that time of the year again…. outdoor flea markets! Stan and I hit up the Seekonk Flea Market this past Sunday and we weren’t disappointed. The forecast called for rain so many of the vendors didn’t show up. However, we were able to find a couple of games and these awesome aluminum video game signs. Check out what we got! Thanks for watching and please consider liking, commenting and subscribing!

Music: www.bensound.com


Categories N4G

7 thoughts on “Flea Market Video Game Hunting Episode 17: First Flea Market of 2021!”

  1. Gameboy games $10 for the pair, or $5 each… I guess that's a deal… or just math. Holy crap though, for $5 a piece on those signs, I'd be wallpapering my game room!!! Those were pretty sweet!!!


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