Friday Night Funkin' Fans Are…

Friday Night Funkin’ Fans Are…

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33 thoughts on “Friday Night Funkin' Fans Are…”

  1. While working on this video I did discover a few toxic things about the FNF fandom. If you know of something worse than what I mentioned in today's video, let me know in the comments. Also working on a video that talks about the fandom's amazing music skills. Let me know what your favorite tracks in the comments as well. And yes I know you know where the thumbnails are from.

  2. So people are mad when it comes to NSFW content?

    How long have these people been on the internet? There's NSFW for literally EVERYTHING!

    If they're mad because the NSFW is easily accessable for those whom shouldn't be seeing it, I understand that… but again, how long have they been on the internet?

    NSFW has always been easily accessable if you know where to look.

  3. friday night funkin fans are baicly just weebs but even more cringy because the game is just an epaleptic version of quitar hero with music more dull than a butter knife and a weird art style and fans more cringy than people that sing five nights at freddy's songs in public

  4. this game was just an art collab, like the game aspect of is like kinda mediocre and bland, its been done before but the arts pretty good.
    now thats not too bad but what i mainly hate about this game though is the music, more specifically the people that listen to this dog whistle crap are the same people that will still shit on music they haven't even listened too, i listen to alot of music from megaman, hitman, and some caravan palace to name a few, and i've met people from this fandom that treat its music like its the best thing to ever grace the human earlobe and will genuinely shit on anything that isn't fnf music, i know that doesn't go for all the fans but a majority of the ones i've met are like this.
    personally i think the music from this game is ok, it just feels really dry and frankly too predictable.

  5. You know shit’s going down when people compare a fandom to the undertale fandom.

    Only thing worse would be the Rick and Morty fandom or the FNaF fandom.

  6. undertale fandom isnt anything like fnf fandom, fnf fandom do get a little weird in some times, with unneeded cringe, but isnt nothin like the undertale fandom, especially the alternate universes, some parts of the ut fandom remind me of the sonic fandom

  7. Some people need to understand three things:

    1: Just because you like it, doesn’t always mean that everyone else does.

    2. Only show things to the public that you genuinely think is good.

    3. If it ends up not being good or really disliked, then it’s best to share it privately within a group dedicated to your idea. Don’t share it to the public, and only share it in THOSE websites.


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