Friday Night Funkin' OST – Blammed (Cover/Remix)

FNF by ninja_muffin99, PhantomArcade, evilsk8r and Kawai Sprite

Blammed originally composed by Kawai Sprite



21 thoughts on “Friday Night Funkin' OST – Blammed (Cover/Remix)”

  1. Wow this is good. Second best cover I’ve heard, although nothing is beating the godly remix in that equally godly animation. Good job!

  2. Allthelovanias (CANCELLED) By Some bloke
    Inspired by educraft old omni

    1. Snas (underground)
    2. Small Snas (deltaforce)
    3. Another snas (underground but neutral snas)
    4. Tall snas (undertall)
    5. Army of two (Xbox 360)
    6. Raging tall snas (angertall)
    7. The ancient one (Egypt)
    8. Oh shit snas is reaper (deathtale Everybody dies
    9. Teenage snas (teenage mutant ninja monster)
    10. Red skull (marvel’s captain America)
    11. Crack head snas (marveltale)
    12. Tall red snas (marveltall)
    13. Me getting the beans at 3am (real life)

    It’s cancelled kids now go home.


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