Friday Night Funkin – Tricky the Clown vs Corrupted BF #Shorts

Minha primeira tentativa de fazer um vídeo de Friday Night Funkin

#fridaynightfunkin #fnfTricky


48 thoughts on “Friday Night Funkin – Tricky the Clown vs Corrupted BF #Shorts”

  1. Ey remember that time where Tricky got the top of his head sliced off after he beheaded Jesus and he got back up and ripped off Hank's head and crushed his jaw? Good times.

  2. My head: its only mario battle but with others skin

    Corrupted Bf: beep baap pep plop paop
    While fighting triky

    Triky: aaaa eee baaa eeeoo cauuu eee while fighting corrupted Bf

    Me: hmm thats normal


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