FULL Guide to League of Legends (Complete Breakdown)

In this League of Legends guide, you will learn how to play the game optimally, learn about the meta strategies, and understand exactly why the meta developed the way it did.
League of Legends might look tough, and it is a tough game for sure, but with this guide, you will be able to beat other League of Legends players with sheer knowledge advantage xd
It doesn’t matter if you are a completely new player or if you have been playing for a while already. There is definitely a thing or two in this League of Legends guide that will help you to win more games going forward.

00:00 How to Get into a Ranked Game
01:33 The Map of Summoner’s Rift
02:56 Interactions of Minions, Towers, and Champions
07:18 Gold and Experience Explained
09:26 Items in League of Legends
12:43 The Five Player Positions Explained
18:45 Wards and Vision Guide

I hope you’ve enjoyed this full League of Legends guide for new players 🙂 If you have any questions, let me know!

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Background Music (Bilgewater Event):


25 thoughts on “FULL Guide to League of Legends (Complete Breakdown)”

  1. A " FLASH " & " IGNITE " combo early game is really useful at level one. As most players will go back to base to prevent a kill early on, Even for a player who doesn't have the skill to get a kill forcing a squishy player to fall back destroys their cs potential early game. A lot of players don't realize how valuable early first three levels are. Unless their jungle is way ahead , and leaving behind jungle creatures an adc has a hard time catching back up unless they grab lifesteal and start taking jung creatures to get those essential items for late game. A lot of ADC don't realize this is the only way to catch up when being camped

  2. Wow this a super good introduction guide, pretty much includes every vital piece of information new players often need. Definitely saving this for later.

  3. The emphasis on not dying and specifically 'removing the enemy from the map' (by forcing them to base) is vital info that always seems to get lost for new players – cracking guide sir

  4. "Supports should protect their adc and help them farm gold safely"

    My supports: "Bro wtf are you doing we could've killed them wtf are you blind? You're just gonna let me die?" (as my support decides to 1v2 the enemy bot laners who reached level 2 before we did because they didn't have to leash)

  5. finaalyyyyy ok been playing league for 2 years and I'm one of the people who didn't get solid foundations so I'm silver but now I think I can climb there is a lot in this video that I didn't know and thank you for this

  6. This is phenomenal. I love this guide so much, I can’t wait to see what other guides you come out with next. Would you be willing / able to make a guide on champion select, banning, and team conpositions? That’s an aspect of league that I think not many players know how to do well.

  7. I really wish i had this video when i started the game 7 months ago, there are so much videos for « beginners » that are just for low elo players who already know the game well, it’s so hard to understand at the start

  8. damn i should knew about this video a long ago, but i still learned tho! at my beginning in lol i tryied to learn why theres 2 players on bot and no one could say it for sure, so a guy said it was bc the towers had more protection and i accepted that information when actually it was obvious its bc of dragons but not for me and looks like not for many people since jungle is kinda a obscure role hehe


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