Genshin Impact Barbara FACTS

#GenshinImpact #shorts Genshin Impact Barbara FACTS

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26 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Barbara FACTS”

  1. If they wanted to make Barbra voice sound a bit tired from the loresnore they should have old voice to do it. English dub is fair just don’t like it’s management. They suck.

  2. Barbara's aura in her art (the one you see when summoning her) has sheet music. This sheet music is actually the song that she sings in one of her idle animations. This same motif was repeated throughout the trailer for the Windblume Festival.

  3. Her charged attacks hit like a TRUCK AND she gets a huge healing bonus with her E active. Barbara is unironically OP if you ask me. Every other healer has to have the character on the field/fulfill some requirement.
    Chad Barbara over here just slaps Q and wins.

  4. "Barbara's charged attacks hit harder than Klee's." That is incorrect. Her CA scaling is higher, which is what should have been said. Meanwhile, her base atk is literally 51% of Klee's base atk, which leads to a big gap when looking at post artifact stats, as well as Klee having pyro% for an ascension boost as opposed to Barb's hp%. Even with the better mult of vaporize on her side, you will not out dmg a Klee.

  5. My Barbara used to be such a good dps- I was wondering why she did 1k as a lvl 50-60

    I checked her weapon and it was a mf “The Widsith” with base atk 327 and a Crit dmg 40.6%. I laughed so hard when I saw that


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