Genshin Impact – Xiao C6 Lv 90 Nonstop Dashing – All Boss Fight & Artifacts Build Show

Video show Genshin Impact – Xiao C6 Lv 90 Nonstop Dashing – All Boss Fight & Artifacts Build Guide Showcase Gameplay on android iOS PC version 2021 , nintendo switch
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“原神” is a brand new open world adventure game independently developed by miHoYo. The game takes place in a fantasy world called “提瓦特”, where the person chosen by God will be awarded the “神之眼” to guide the power of the elements. You will play a mysterious character called “旅行者”. In free tr***el, you will find different companions with different personalities and ability to defeat powerful enemies and find lost relatives. At the same time, gradually explore ” The truth of the “原神”.
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41 thoughts on “Genshin Impact – Xiao C6 Lv 90 Nonstop Dashing – All Boss Fight & Artifacts Build Show”

  1. Truth be told, this Xiao has only used 60% of his power. Imagine what he could do with a Primo Jade Spear at full stacks. Not to mention that his C6 is rendered useless against 1-1 boss fights, which almost always are.

  2. Nice video really, Xiao’s amazing. (ignoring the Ganyu simps and plebs commenting here that she’s better, she’ll be outdated soon when other power creeped chars take over glhf -_- )

  3. Btw, before i in ar 49, i just fight with childe level 70, but after i got xiao and level him until 60 and talent level 1 for normal attack, 1 element skill, and 3 element burst ( i am out of resin) something out of logic happen cuz its feel very easy to bring him, zhongli after buff, bennet and fischl to beat childe level 80 bruhhh

    An for stat: 50+ crit rate, 100 crit damage, 1500+ atk and 2000+ after bennet buff, 90+ elemen mastery and 25+ anemo dmg bonus, and for support fischl level 80, zhongli 80 and bennet 70, before i got xiao and zhongli's buff its very hard for beat childe level 80

    He is insane!!

  4. Dang trying to get c6. Atm have 50% crit rate and 200% crit damage. Using diona and qiqi to get boost in movement and Stam reduction with diona shield. Slow effect when cryo status and increase crit rate. Last with 2 wind increase movement, stam reduction and skill reduction sucrose to reduce element effect and give more ele mastery to xiao. Would use Bennett but I unlock his c6


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