History Respawned: Cyberpunk 2077

Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜ https://cyberpunk2077.mgn.tv

John welcomes Professor Andre Sorensen to talk about Night City, the setting to CD Projekt Red’s mammoth, ambitious – and troubled – follow-up to The Witcher 3. We talk about the setting as an urban dystopia, the historic notion of the city as a corrupting influence, and why Tokyo – or an imagined version of Tokyo – represents the future in so much speculative fiction.

0:12 Introductions
01:05 Dr. Sorensen’s impressions of Night City
02:01 Night City as an urban dystopia
06:34 The fear of urbanization
10:18 Japanese motifs and the other in Night City
13:21 Why are Japanese cities seen as futuristic?
19:29 Night City and the reality of East Asian cities (podcast?)
23:20 The city as a corrupting influence
26:31 Depicting a modern city
32:11 The Tokaido Megalopolis and Western visions of Japan


5 thoughts on “History Respawned: Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. I feel like you guys focused so much on the Japanese stuff there's so many other influences on the city. Also you mentioned how real Japanese cities are really clean as like a criticism of Night City, but Night city is a massive cultural mashup and I would argue is more influenced by American cities, and Arasaka controlled areas are actually the cleanest places in Night City lol so they actually did a good job with that.


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