HOW TO Craft Legendary Items | Shadowlands Legendary Crafting Guide

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Crafting Legendary Items in Shadowlands is quite straightforward but could cost you double the time OR gold OR both if you aren’t paying attention or knowing which way to go.

In this video I’m sharing an end-to-end journey of my Leatherworker alt as I unlock the Runecarver, collect all the necessary crafting materials and finally – create my very first Legendary item – which ended up feeling very satisfying, but a costly exercise regardless!

Please enjoy, like the video and share with your friends.

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📑 Table of Contents

00:00 – Intro
01:00 – Contents
01:40 – First Steps
03:00 – Freeing Runecarver
04:40 – Base Item Recipes
05:40 – Crafting is expensive!
08:10 – Get Soul Ash
09:50 – Other Ingredients
12:08 – Crafting Tips!
13:35 – Crafting Process
15:20 – Make the right choice!
17:10 – Final thoughts

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13 thoughts on “HOW TO Craft Legendary Items | Shadowlands Legendary Crafting Guide”

  1. I hate this system so much. The two leggos that I need for my DH come from the last two bosses in the new raid. I'm not geared enough to get into normal or heroic, I don't like raiding, so my toon falls behind. The more I play this xpac the more I dislike it.

  2. I has a similar experience levelling blacksmith to 100 only to learn that purchasing raw mats resulted in costs way higher than the final product on the auction house. Even more interesting was that the ranks 2 legendary base items on my server costed the same as rank 1s. Since my BiS legendary power is not out yet (tied to a world boss) and since I have close to 2000 soul ash anyways , I ended up grabbing the ilvl 210 base item to save gold. Rank 3 prices are insane at the moment so rank 2 is the way to go. Meanwhile I’ll craft rank 1s for my offspec or alternate powers .

  3. Yeah the powers are weak, it's more like a buffed purple nowadays compared to the old school legendaries where it takes months to get it, but once you get it you are head and shoulders above others. In my first week raid experience, class power is much more important than if you have a legendary or not.


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