HOW TO PICK YOUR MAIN IN APEX! (Apex Legends Legend Guide, Tips, and Tricks)

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0:00 – Intro
0:29 – Match Your Legend to Your Playstyle!
1:27 – Aggressive Players (If you ALWAYS try to Fight!)
5:49 – Passive Players (Avoiding Fights, Playing to Win)
8:59 – Tactical Players (Taking Smart Fights & Rotating Always)
12:37 – Reinforcing How to PICK Your Legend

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40 thoughts on “HOW TO PICK YOUR MAIN IN APEX! (Apex Legends Legend Guide, Tips, and Tricks)”

  1. I'm a recent Fuze main from a longtime Pathy/Octane and wow this dude is the most underrated legend there is, who needs mobility when you got explosions…lots and lots of explosions

  2. What legend would you recommend for someone who needs to carry a squad?

    I like playing with my buddies, but they don’t have very good aim or mechanics, nor do they play legends with mobility. I’ve been trying to use octane to help provide more mobility to the team. I’ve seen some success with it, but not as much as I’d like. I’m generally a fairly consistent player with solid aim, but my fatal flaw is over aggression. I’ve considered giving horizon a shot. What do you think?

  3. I’m weird. I hot drop, and make very aggressive decisions, but I always try to make my fights last a long time. I know my aim isn’t good enough to win a one on one with opponents that have equal or higher shield, so I try to crack my opponents before bum rushing them

  4. I literally like how all the characters I like to play are either considered passive or tactical. I play all the tactical players and Lifeline. I just like knowing where the enemies are and finding a position to take the fight, rather than just getting in their faces. I love that Valk allows me to do this. In the past I would jump from a jump towers and accidentally land on a team xD So having her has made this less of a problem for me. As for lobby, I usually only play her in ranked and it's simply so everyone can get good loot at the very beginning of the game (or if I have to respawn a teammates, they'll be able to access loot immediately). As for Crypto, I just feel safe playing him sometimes (unless I spend too much time in my drone someone finds and beams me lol) but I like to use his drone to quickly open bins nearby and see if it's worth me even going to. And of course, Mirage. Just escaping. It's so easy xD I've found that since his buff people will just shoot every decoy until they find the correct Mirage. Most of my teammates take advantage of an enemy that gets lost in his ult. I've earned so many assist kills in ranked due to his ult. I've also found that it's very possible to wipe a squad with him. I'm not the best at 1v3, so it's telling if I can use him to do it even ever so often

  5. I've pretty much mained Octane and Wraith since the game came out, although in ranked I tend to only play aggressive if it's a good 3rd party opportunity. Playing smart and knowing when not to push the W key will help me get more RP in the long run.

  6. i need a legend that i can play aggro(pubs) but more smart and hold positions and push and 3rd party in ranked. i have bloodhounds heirloom (which i got yesterday) and i’ve been using him yesterday and today but i’m scared i made the wrong choice. should i stick to him or is there another legend that works better.

  7. All good info.
    When the game came out I use to main bloodhound a lot.
    Then mostly caustic- very useful in many of fights and has helps with defending, attacking and reviving.


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