How to Play Evelynn Like a Pro in 12 Minutes + Best Build/Runes | Evelynn Guide League of Legends

How to Play Evelynn like a pro in 12 minutes! Best Build/Runes/Jungle Route
Evelynn Jungle Tutorial Guide League of Legends
▶𝗕𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗘𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗹: [email protected]
#LeagueOfLegends #Evelynn #KingStix


41 thoughts on “How to Play Evelynn Like a Pro in 12 Minutes + Best Build/Runes | Evelynn Guide League of Legends”

  1. I never comment on videos but this one deserves it. Almost exactly one year from today i started LoL and i started watching you. One tricked fiddle in 2020 then one tricked evelynn today. This season i went from bronze to gold because of your videos and i just want to thank you.
    looking for mid duo(?)
    IGN: im invisibie

  2. I think a big part of why KingStix is the best LoL youtuber is because he's able to explain choices/situation in real time. It's one thing to pause a replay and analyze it but it's totally different to do it in game.

  3. this gamees unreal bro…. you keep putting up videos of good tops or mids and bad counter jglers
    as a jungle main ive been stuck in bronze mostly because my team doesnt support me when i get ganked in my jg early game or mid game, doesnt come to river 2v1 or always abandon me in winnable senarios, i want to see a video thats real bro,

  4. I've been playing Eve for 4 years now,having 1.7m mastery point on her and I've try many rune options such as Conquer,Galatic Augment,Phase Rush..even with Aftershock and Grasp of the Undying.
    And my guy KingStix here have showed me the correct way to play with Predator,and now this is officially become most 3 of my favorite rune for Evelynn.(Electrocute and Dark Harvest probably can't be replace for me).
    It's good to learn new things everyday and I've learned from the best.
    Really appreciate your works man and I can't wait to see more from you.


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