How to WIN LANE using ONLY Wave Control – League of Legends

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26 thoughts on “How to WIN LANE using ONLY Wave Control – League of Legends”

  1. The main reason you won is how clueless the enemy jungler is. He start at red too because the enemy bot leashed. Even in piss low Plat like I do people know to dive the Jax at 5:54. Your Skarner is also clueless but because of his gank you get a free out of jail card or Mord would've dive you himself, even trading 1 for 1 is worth it for him.

  2. hi guys ive learn a lot thank to you, so i want to share an idea i had about the TP changes:
    it would for sure impact the early game pressure from toplaners, but maybe we could imagine a new meta inspired by supports; the toplaner slow pushed the 2 first waves, then crash on the 3rd, recall, spend gold then from base run straight to either botlane jungle or mid, like a support would, try a move (at this time the ennemy top is either pushing top, or base, he could hard push in response or tp tower to help, if so he loses the TP for toplane control when you still have it up to go back and get the lane management, if he commits on push you had more impact on the map while having the possibility to TP back top to catch the wave, in either case it looks like you get the tempo advantage too)
    so to be creative toplaners should now play around big crashes to make play and TP back top imo, what you guys think about that?

  3. the problem here is: u have only 1 kill at lvl 6, when there r many games with 3-5 kills on bot or lane+jgl already

    ok, u win ur line, but it s not nearly enough to win lol games: where r a lot of random fights 24/7 and when one of the team easily may have much more advantage at 6 lvl, not just 1-2 poor kills and some cs

  4. No way in the world would jax win that 1v1 even without killing that minion. Mord is AP but his autos do more dmg and his passive absolutely shreds. Even in the video it's obvious jax would lose since Mord isolated Q was coming up.

  5. Hello, I don't comment often in these videos but as a Masters-GM player on 5 roles (not that it matters, I do not mean to use elo to appeal to authority) I just really felt like it was kind of hard to watch this, not just because it was poorly executed many times, which can happen and I am sure I have games much worse than these by far, but because this gameplay is being showcased as if it was what everyone should strive for.
    I will do a small breakdown of why I felt like it really was necessary to really go out of my way and express that I feel like this one video just doesn't feel right to me.
    – Firstly, I will not really look into the mechanical misplays, McBaze did say he is not too experienced in the matchup and I totally understand that and it is fine and I do not mind that he accidentally hit the minion and then ran away (I think he could have won anyways and if he was scared of Mord Q, just flash behind him when he uses it but fine), since the point of this video is to learn about *wave management*.
    But my first issue is instead at 2:58, I think all the explaining you guys gave of the lane before was definitely spot on and yes that was the idea behind the lane, but right as McBaze says he is "basically only last hitting" he goes right into AAing THREE TIMES, when he should have literally only last-hit, just like he said he would do in the review. The consequences are basically immediate, the third wave's casters would have been under mordekaisers turret if he hadn't basically cleared the entire wave, he could have either used that wave to set up a gank, or simply hit lvl 3 and force Jax's TP.
    – Then at 3:23, you have the right idea, now just focus solely on crashing the wave, and he should have. I think it is fine to trade a bit like Jax did since any HP trade is positive (Jax recalls, Morde stays with his lower HP, wave bounces, Morde needs to TP or he dies). BUT JAX GOES AHEAD AND INSTEAD OF CRASHING THE WAVE, HE CONTINUES TRADING. And morde CLEARLY had the opportunity to hold 4 minions right outside of turret range, and like you explain, screw you over.
    – At 5:15 there's a concept you constantly talk about at skill capped and its to stay away from your own wave because then the enemy can use their AOE abilities to hit both you and the wave. And that leads to Jax being completely unable to thin the wave without risking way too much poke, and then has to try to freeze a wave with 6 casters and a cannon, where even if you have your long sword advantage, you have no chance of actually winning any trades. Let's ignore the fact that what I said happens right away and you say "yeah it's fine I'm not in a terrible spot or anything".
    – Then at 5:50, I get the concept but honestly I think McBaze just wasn't looking at Skarner in the map and had no clue he was about to get ganked, judging by camera control, and yes, you could have killed Morde, you can definitely tank those minions a bit with your E while walking up to Mordekaiser, it would be fine, you can jump on him and ensure the kill because he reacted late to Skarner and then you might even be able to keep the freeze. But I guess this point doesn't matter because the video is about wave control. ALSO KAYN WAS BOT 5 SECONDS AGO, so the concept wouldn't apply anyways you CANNOT get counterganked what?
    – The recall bait at 7:30 was good and what happened is fine, but even then at 8:00, I am pretty sure you just weren't paying attention to the XP because even despite your item advantage, I am almost sure if Morde focused on getting 6 when he saw you TP he 100% solo killed you. Also if he uses ult as you E I think he can basically negate your stun since you will not be able to attack him during that small window his ult lasts? I might be wrong about this, the point is, it was very close despite him waiting 5 seconds to ult, he could have won.

    Anyways, as a conclusion, this game was a mess, I love your videos and I learn a lot but this one felt a bit puzzling since I just didn't feel like most of what happened was even low diamond level. I agree with many of the concepts but in practice they were applied just very poorly and I saw way too many opportunities for Mordekaiser to literally just win the lane on the spot with some of the mistakes that were made. If you or anyone has anything to add/refute I look forward to it, I hope I didn't sound too condescending or heated because I love the content, and it's free too, so I respect that, but I'm sure everyone here is just as passionate about this game as me.

  6. Win only using wave controll. Proceed to explain how you win due to your passive, and E damage reduction.

    Love your videos, but you only showed that you can beat a plat by punishing an overystay in my nooobish opinion


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