HUGE 1.3 Xiao Plunge ATK Buffs! NEW Ayaka Clip & VA Comparisons! | Genshin Impact

In This Daily Genshin Impact News Digest:
1. New Buffs For Xiao!
How Xiao’s Plunge ATK Works
Xiao’s Offical PV For Clues
Xiao’s Beautiful Charged ATK
Xiao’s Talent Priorities
2. New Ayaka Clip & EN + JP Voice Lines
3. Fun Slime Comic
4. Fun NPC Clip
5. One Punch Jean/Saber
6. Amazing Ganyu Cosplay

The Xiao Buff Excel Summary (Updated For Max LvL 11 Of Normail ATK):

**Disclaimer: Those ‘Predictions’ Are Fan Based And Does NOT Represent MiHoYo’s Final Product
*Keep In Mind Those Are Not Representation Of The Final Product*

*Disclaimer* This is a fan service sneak-peek/guide video to help viewers have an rough understanding of the upcoming changes. I have mentioned several times in the video to warn viewers that the clips and data are Not representation of the final product. I DO NOT own any of those footage, nor am I responsible for the accuracy of those skill values. Mechanics and damage are subject to change on the official release.

*Below are the Source of those YouTube Videos, Reddit Posts and Fan Based Sites*
Source & Credits To Data, Clip & Footage In The Video:
HoneyHunter Xiao Stats (Not Official):
Official 1.3 EN Stream Xiao Footage:
Genshin Fandom Wiki On Plunge ATK:
Reddit Xiao Charged ATK Post:
Reddit Xiao Talent Post:
Reddit NEW Ayaka Clips On Burst Spell & EN + JP Voice Lines:
HoneyHunter Ayaka Stats From Beta (Not Official):
Reddit Fun Slime Comic:
Reddit Fun Clips:
Reddit One Punch Jean/Saber:
Reddit Amazing Ganyu Cosplay:
Shout Out To The Ganyu Cossplayer!

Thanks & Credits To (Genshin Impact YouTube, HoneyHunters, u/Subaru_Natsukee, u/Jantasticccc, u/Memo_HS2022, u/NigelJenz, u/vOIDERAy, u/baaxx, u/SilverSeelie)

Thanks & Credits Of Thumbnail & Saber Image: Entry By FaQ, Wawazi, From Zerochan, Entry By Doopliss From Zerochan, Shared By gtona From art alphacoders
(Please Let Me Know Via Twitter If I Happened To Have Missed The Original Artist!)

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Time Stamp
0:00 Intro
0:12 News Overview
1:43 Disclaimer: Fan Based Info, Not Final Product
1:56 New Buffs For Xiao!
4:28 How Xiao’s Plunge ATK Works
5:12 Xiao’s Offical PV For Clues
6:05 Xiao’s Beautiful Charged ATK
6:47 Xiao’s Talent Priorities
8:18 New Ayaka Clip & EN + JP Voice Lines
9:49 Fun Slime Comic
10:46 Fun NPC Clip
11:44 One Punch Jean/Saber
12:41 Amazing Ganyu Cosplay
13:43 What Do You Think About Xiao’s Buff?

Useful Videos
NEW 1.3 Geo Dragon Boss Loots! There is NO Materials For Xiao??!
NEW 1.3 ★★★★★ Xiao Buffs & Nerfs! His Stats, Skills Changes!
5 NEW 1.3 ★★★★★ Weapon Details! AMAZING Lance For Xiao
1.3 Xiao Lantern Festival Events! 8595 F2P Primogems In Dec!
Summon For Ganyu Or Save For Xiao?! Who Is Better?
NEW 1.3 Gadget Is AMAZING! Ascension Material Exchange!

*If you would like to support and Donate To Support me Financially, please use my Twitch Donation Link!

*I also have a Patreon Account if you want to support me this way!

Our Twitch Live Stream Link:

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50 thoughts on “HUGE 1.3 Xiao Plunge ATK Buffs! NEW Ayaka Clip & VA Comparisons! | Genshin Impact”

  1. In This Daily Genshin Impact News Digest

    1. New Buffs For Xiao!

    How Xiao's Plunge ATK Works

    Xiao's Offical PV For Clues

    Xiao's Beautiful Charged ATK

    Xiao's Talent Priorities

    2. New Ayaka Clip & EN + JP Voice Lines

    3. Fun Slime Comic

    4. Fun NPC Clip

    5. One Punch Jean/Saber

    6. Amazing Ganyu Cosplay

    The Xiao Buff Excel Summary (Updated For Max LvL 11 Of Normail ATK):

    **Disclaimer: Those 'Predictions' Are Fan Based And Does NOT Represent MiHoYo's Final Product

    Keep In Mind Those Are Not Representation Of The Final Product

    Disclaimer This is a fan service sneak-peek/guide video to help viewers have an rough understanding of the upcoming changes. I have mentioned several times in the video to warn viewers that the clips and data are Not representation of the final product. I DO NOT own any of those footage, nor am I responsible for the accuracy of those skill values. Mechanics and damage are subject to change on the official release.

    Below are the Source of those YouTube Videos, Reddit Posts and Fan Based Sites

    Source & Credits To Data, Clip & Footage In The Video:

    HoneyHunter Xiao Stats (Not Official):

    Official 1.3 EN Stream Xiao Footage:

    Genshin Fandom Wiki On Plunge ATK:

    Reddit Xiao Charged ATK Post:

    Reddit Xiao Talent Post:

    Reddit NEW Ayaka Clips On Burst Spell & EN + JP Voice Lines:

    HoneyHunter Ayaka Stats From Beta (Not Official):

    Reddit Fun Slime Comic:

    Reddit Fun Clips:

    Reddit One Punch Jean/Saber:

    Reddit Amazing Ganyu Cosplay:

    Shout Out To The Ganyu Cossplayer!

    Thanks & Credits To (Genshin Impact YouTube, HoneyHunters, u/Subaru_Natsukee, u/Jantasticccc, u/Memo_HS2022, u/NigelJenz, u/vOIDERAy, u/baaxx, u/SilverSeelie)

    Thanks & Credits Of Thumbnail & Saber Image: Entry By FaQ, Wawazi, From Zerochan, Entry By Doopliss From Zerochan, Shared By gtona From art alphacoders

    (Please Let Me Know Via Twitter If I Happened To Have Missed The Original Artist!)

    Want to show extra support for Matt?

    NEW YouTube Membership Benefits!

    Direct Donations:

    Patreon @

    Twitch @

    My Twitter (For Genshin Impact Related Info & News):

    Instagram (For More Personal Stories):

    Join us on Discord! For a lovely community!

    Time Stamp

    0:00 Intro

    0:12 News Overview

    1:43 Disclaimer: Fan Based Info, Not Final Product

    1:56 New Buffs For Xiao!

    4:28 How Xiao's Plunge ATK Works

    5:12 Xiao's Offical PV For Clues

    6:05 Xiao's Beautiful Charged ATK

    6:47 Xiao's Talent Priorities

    8:18 New Ayaka Clip & EN + JP Voice Lines

    9:49 Fun Slime Comic

    10:46 Fun NPC Clip

    11:44 One Punch Jean/Saber

    12:41 Amazing Ganyu Cosplay

    13:43 What Do You Think About Xiao's Buff?

    Useful Videos

    NEW 1.3 Geo Dragon Boss Loots! There is NO Materials For Xiao??!

    NEW 1.3 ★★★★★ Xiao Buffs & Nerfs! His Stats, Skills Changes!

    5 NEW 1.3 ★★★★★ Weapon Details! AMAZING Lance For Xiao

    1.3 Xiao Lantern Festival Events! 8595 F2P Primogems In Dec!

    Summon For Ganyu Or Save For Xiao?! Who Is Better?

    NEW 1.3 Gadget Is AMAZING! Ascension Material Exchange!

    *If you would like to support and Donate To Support me Financially, please use my Twitch Donation Link!

    *I also have a Patreon Account if you want to support me this way!

    Our Twitch Live Stream Link:

    Please don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!

  2. I am a big fan of jp voice actors its half the reason why I wanted Xiao. He voices so many characters in my favourite shows. Ayaka's voice actor is my favourite female voice actor but megumin's voice actor is hu tao 🙁

  3. im going to give you a tip to improve your videos. remove all the notepad and microsoft excel from the videos because none of your viewers care to see that and just talk or show gameplay in the background and stop providing information that you know nothing about

  4. Most people will probably go for 2 piece Viridescent 2 piece Gladiator, but here's something I want to test: 2 piece Viridescent 2 piece Bloodstained.

    Now, I know his Burst converts his damage to Anemo, but how exactly is it calculated? For example, for a plunge attack would the Physical Damage % bonus be applied first, before conversion to Anemo? Because depending on how it works, a Physical Damage % Goblet and Bloodstained 2 piece might work. I assume they would not let us somehow stack the Anemo and Physical Damage Bonuses… Thoughts?


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