I blame my TEAM but I'm actually just TRASH | Apex Legends

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I blame my TEAM but I’m actually just TRASH | Apex Legends ⏺️ Catch me LIVE on twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/thatpunchkid Twitter: …


38 thoughts on “I blame my TEAM but I'm actually just TRASH | Apex Legends”

  1. you're not alone bub, I played a total of like 20 games, each game the second my teammates die I beat the team that killed them, I go over to res and they dc, and I just stare at them as they're down and the dc symbol is on their names and i'm like is there even a fuckin point anymore? it was so annoying… this game has so many annoying people that dc immediately, idk why, this never useed to happen


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