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personally i think the item offers too little ad but then again i play more caster style 😀
That Thresh not flaying those Galio engages and his poor lantern placements hurt to watch. Good thing about support role is if my main is banned (Pyke), I can just pick another hook champ or hard peeler.
Also there are some sneaky ward placement videos you can watch to avoid those unfortunate situations.
I personally think it's alright but definitely not one of the best lol
Have you looked how he uses sanguine blade in game? I have a theory that he might be using it to take towers and farm – while hunting for lone heroes. He doesn't use it in lane or team-fights. But, that's a theory. He might be playing Miss Fortune like you are used to.
QOTD: i play yone(bot lane) or ashe
do a video on spacing and postioning for adc please and i will give this build a go but i wouldn't be much help on the advice if it is a good item to go first as i am not diamond or higher.
I got so used to play the Muramana Double Lifesteal Last Whisper route i can hardly imagine that lethality build is better for me and my games. Simply because i experience the dmg to be very good and solid into very most scenarios, it allows me to safely farm with the shitloads of mana and keeps me alive so long. Must admit though hat im on a clearly worse skillvl of play. Seems a bit like a snowbally build similar to the lethality-darkharvest route that really shines when you get ahead early.
you have to go duskblade second item.
MFDB check this person out DavaiDolbiNogoi his on your server 74% Winrate missfortune build. same as Lifelessadc. this build has high rating just have to master it.
Actually was really interesting, if one of them runs away for being low or you kill one of the laners you suddenly spike up in damage.
Sanguine lane phase, never? sanguine is late game item. Always duskblade first if your going lethality
Sarah has a good skill for checking bushes before warding, just use it ! :p don't greed to save some mana
In your video you asked if anyone tried this build.
TL;DR: It's great if you split push or farm up and they sell it for something better. Personally I'd only use it in games where we have no towers and my team keeps picking bad fights so I can just split
I've been an mf main a long while now and I can see the appeal of Sanguine. By the time you buy it, 80% of games you've either lost your tower and are splitting alone for farm, or you've taken their tower and are top / mid working for another tower, OR both towers botlane are still up but your Supports are roaming.
It also lets you push better, which meant that I've used it low elo for all those games where my teammates all go for kills and I'm left split pushing for our only towers as MF adc… Not ideal, but yes, Sanguine has its uses.
I usually end up selling it later though in favor of a Death's Dance, specifically if all my team is doing is teamfighting, as that is certainly where the sanguine blade feels the worst.
FKN useless build
So is it better to go crit or lethality ?
In this situation I would ward over the wall in order to stay out of danger.
I think its good if
1: you build duskblade second for damage, instead of edge of night.
If you want more durability build a 2nd dorans blade… otherwise u are playing a lethality build without cdr or damage.
2.) need to set up good early ults before the passive wears completely off. Not running into close range and then ulting on the back half od tge fight
Edit: also maybe learning to put yourself in posistion for fights against one of them at a time. Ie jungle ganks, river fights
MFDB, what do you think about a hybrid lethality and crit build. Also, is the dark harvest rune page still viable for a lethality build or should we still use press the attack for the lethality build. I honestly think the full crit miss fortune build is dying off and is not viable early to mid game for most ranks.
this build reminds me a lot of my kayle build in which I got Sanguine and Bork first items I basically split push and farm jg camps all game abusing the fact that with those two items pus boots no one can 1v1 and as soon as my sanguine deactivates I just start running away.
I have been testing a new strategy with Miss Fortune vs poke and aggressive matchups. I start with a Doran’s Shield and pick Magical Footwear-Biscuit Delivery. For the first base I purchase by priority, Cloth Armor > Cloth Armor/Null-Magic Mantle > main item components. Doran’s Shield activates no matter how much damage is taken. Minimal gold is lost by selling the resistance items, but if necessary you can build Ninja Tabi, Hexdrinker or Quicksilver Sash. It is very difficult for enemies to reduce your health to a lethal range, especially for magic damage champions if you buy a Null-Magic Mantle. Magical Footwear helps with affording the extra items. Additional sustain is also very beneficial if the enemy has an aggressive jungler and/or middle lane champion(s). Pay for a stress free lane.
About sanguine blade : it's actually a fantastic lane item. Pay attention to the passive, it takes a while to wind down and is instantly refreshed when you are out of 2 man range. MF gains a tremendous amount of dps and sustain with it (I'm rushing this on Draven too, playing with the range and the all ins)
When i try this build it's feel weird because of the attack speed but for me its good for 1v1 situations like almost of the time they jump on me but I always survive
Can you repost some of his games? to see what the playstyle difference is.
You did the Most damage. Ingame it looked like you did no damage at all wtf
QotD: I mostly Play mf and Kai'Sa so if one get's banned and the matchup is fine I just play the other one.
I've used similar build in matches where I'm forced to farm side lane. Dusk blade 1st sanguine 2nd and last whisper/black cleaver 3rd. With black cleaver, pta and overheal i can definetly hold my ground against most champs. This rank 1 build seems really wierd 😀 cant be that bad if he's rank 1 right? xD
Hey MFDB, have you ever considered doing your intro and say first five minutes of commentary post game to be edited in after? The first few minutes have been causing issues for a while now when you try to narrate and play at the same time.
hey man you should really try this with comet… its amazing
I personally really like Lethality MF, but I did a different build so far: Youmuu's Ghostblade -> Black Cleaver -> Duskblade of Drakthaar -> Edge of Night -> Lord Dominik's Regards with Berserker's Greaves once I get boots.
For runes I take Press the Attack – Presence of Mind – Legend:Alacrity – Coup de Grace – Magical Footwear – Biscuit Delivery – Attack Speed – Adaptive Force – Armor
If you want you can try this one out for yourself 🙂
Edit: if I need/want lifesteal in this build, I usually get a Death's Dance at some point, otherwise I just lack survivability…
Mano você tem que trabalhar mais com esse chapion , ainda está fraco
I really like this build
Yea I’m not a fan. Definitely don’t think it’s the best build. Maybe if you were in a solo lane like top lane or something you could justify it. But in a duo lane you’re just sitting on extra stats that you can’t access unless specific conditions are met