League of Legends Fans be like…

I had to do it for the Hypetrain I had to do it for the Hypetrain I had to do it for the Hypetrain
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The Powerpuff Girls: Intro


38 thoughts on “League of Legends Fans be like…”

  1. Actually zoe is not under age because As befits her Targonian aspect's nature, Zoe did not ascend to power in one of the traditional ways. She didn't win a great victory against overwhelming odds, or sacrifice herself for a noble ideal, or overcome the existential trial of climbing Mount Targon. Instead, Zoe was a normal girl, seemingly chosen at random.

    Her Lunari Lunari teachers reported Zoe to be an imaginative child, but willful, lazy, easily distracted, and mischievous. One day, as she skipped away from her studies of the holy magics to pursue something "less boring," she was noticed by the Targonian Aspect of Twilight.

    It observed as the young girl playfully mocked the angry cries of the Lunari priests chasing her. Then, after an hour-long pursuit, she found herself cornered by her angry teachers. Before they could grab Zoe, the aspect summoned six objects in front of the girl: a bag of golden coins, a sword, a completed study book, a devotion rug, a silk rope, and a toy ball. Five of these objects could have let her flee or defuse the situation. Zoe chose the sixth option.

    Unconcerned with escape, she instead grabbed the toy ball, kicked it toward the wall of an adjoining house, and sang gleefully as it ricocheted among the humorless priests.

    Delighted by Zoe's carefree exuberance, the aspect opened a shimmering portal to the apex of Mount Targon, offering the girl a chance to see the universe. She dove backward into the portal, instantly merging with the aspect, then stuck her tongue out at her dumbfounded teachers as she disappeared.

    Following this unusual transcendence, Zoe journeyed to dimensions at the very edge of Targon's control, playing within realities beyond human comprehension.

    Returning home after millennia, Zoe has aged barely a year. Though Runeterra has changed little from her perspective, she arrives full of teenage curiosity for humans and her fellow aspects.

    Perhaps her most curious new relationship is with Aurelion Sol Aurelion Sol. The cosmic dragon's arrogance, lies, and world-weariness annoy Zoe. In return, she teases the giant creature relentlessly, but when needed, she also protects her "space doggy" and his stars from Pantheon's wrath. Whether this is simply a whim, possessiveness, or her function as a disrupter, no one can be certain. Because, with Zoe, one can never be sure of what she's really aiming for… other than her own amusement.

  2. Yuumi mains explaining to their adc that Yuumi is actually useful and that getting reported for having their E on cooldown or out of mana because the adc decided to push too hard isn't a good reason for getting reported.

  3. Zoe mains explaining to the judge how every living person is made of matter and that the universe began 13.8 billion years ago. Meaning that everything in the world is 13.8 billion years old.

    "So as to answer your question no she was not underage"

  4. Missing:
    The 0/14/1 top lane explaining why jungle diff after feeding the enemy jungler.
    My favourite type of player is the 0/14 top flaming the 0/15 bot and acting like they carried


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