LOL First Ever Game League of Legends 3

My brother joins me and tries LoL for the first time. Its his first time playing any kind of game like this.


42 thoughts on “LOL First Ever Game League of Legends 3”

  1. You got unlucky because the enemy team were 4 to 5 people smurfs, but they didn't seem to notice your skin. You actually played pretty good at the start, since the enemy most likely know how to play the game.

  2. Sad to see that some of enemy players were just regular players playing on new acoounts, but still for being 7 level the beginning was really nice from you. Good luck in future games!

  3. I will follow every video just to make sure you got this thing. you havent read last my comment probably so. yeah. i taught you how to lock camera and what to do first ;d basics you know. i think you will got it. The better you will start understand game and play more you will enjoy it. Its fun to watch tho.

  4. Hey man been loving the content you are learning a lot in a short time not to mention you are playing with the screen unlocked which is difficult for a lot of people to do lol. To lock the screen just press Y in the beginning of the match. Maybe try playin a custom match vs the bots to get used to basics like the champ u like, fundamentals of the game and gettin to know what enemies do. its a lot bro but its cool to see your learning curve.


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