Making Challengers look like Bronze players! (Riven Challenger Guide) – League of Legends


►Making Challengers look like Bronze players! (Riven Challenger Guide) – League of Legends

Season 10 Riven Runes (Found in beginning of video!)

Season 10 Riven Build: ”black cleaver – tabis/mercs – deaths dance – guardian angel – last whisper – steraks gage”

#Riven #RivenGuide #BestRiven

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(Extra information):
[Concepts of this video]: Best Riven Runes, Best Riven Build, Riven Runes Guide, Riven Build Guide, Season 10 Riven Guide, S10 Riven Guide, League of Legends Riven Guide, Best Riven Tips, Riven Tips, Season 10 Riven Tips, S10 Riven Tips, Riven Combo Guide, Season 10 Riven Combo Guide, S10 Riven Combo Guide, Riven Fast Q, Riven Fast Q Guide, Riven Tutorial, Season 10 Riven Tutorial, Riven S10 Tutorial, Daveyx3 Riven.

[Concepts of Riven (extra!)]: Riven Gameplay, S10 Riven Gameplay, Season 10 Riven Gameplay, Riven Gameplay Guide, Riven Matchup Guide, League of Legends Riven Matchup Guide, Challenger Riven Guide, Pro Riven Guide, Season 10 Matchup Guide, S10 Matchup Guide.

Who is Daveyx3?:
Daveyx3(Me) is a Challenger Riven player, Challenger on the EU servers (euw/eune), Making Educational / Informative Riven content to help you guys get better at Riven and the game!

Here’s the concepts of the video, Thank you for watching today’s video! I’m uploading everyday, Don’t forget to subscribe for more video’s.


35 thoughts on “Making Challengers look like Bronze players! (Riven Challenger Guide) – League of Legends”

  1. Don't forget to check out my stream! Live 6 times a week.

    Season 10 Riven Runes (Found in beginning of video!)
    Season 10 Riven Build: ''black cleaver – tabis/mercs – deaths dance – guardian angel – last whisper – steraks gage''

    ►Making Challengers look like Bronze players! (Riven Challenger Guide) – League of Legends

    (Extra information):
    [Concepts of this video]: Best Riven Runes, Best Riven Build, Riven Runes Guide, Riven Build Guide, Season 10 Riven Guide, S10 Riven Guide, League of Legends Riven Guide, Best Riven Tips, Riven Tips, Season 10 Riven Tips, S10 Riven Tips, Riven Combo Guide, Season 10 Riven Combo Guide, S10 Riven Combo Guide, Riven Fast Q, Riven Fast Q Guide, Riven Tutorial, Season 10 Riven Tutorial, Riven S10 Tutorial, Daveyx3 Riven.

    [Concepts of Riven (extra!)]: Riven Gameplay, S10 Riven Gameplay, Season 10 Riven Gameplay, Riven Gameplay Guide, Riven Matchup Guide, League of Legends Riven Matchup Guide, Challenger Riven Guide, Pro Riven Guide, Season 10 Matchup Guide, S10 Matchup Guide.

    Who is Daveyx3?:
    Daveyx3(Me) is a Challenger Riven player, Challenger on the EU servers (euw/eune), Making Educational / Informative Riven content to help you guys get better at Riven and the game!

    Here's the concepts of the video, Thank you for watching today's video! I'm uploading everyday, Don't forget to subscribe for more video's.

    @ @ @

  2. Seeing the thumbnail of this video

    Me: Mmm, it sounds like I have seen this video elsewhere before, where have I seen it? Ah, on the Riven Gameplays channel. It seems that more and more people know you Davey and I am happy about that: 3

    Hey, by the time a video of Riven Full critic, it would be great to see it even once, if you want you can put the Riven from Netherlands xD

    Greetings and Peaceee :3

  3. Doran blade is a good option against grasp camille ? I dont think its bad since u know how to play against her. i mean, i dunno if u know Dudu Duelista ( top 1 riven in 2019 ), but he said doran shield is core against her and now im confused on what i should do in this matchup.

  4. Would you say low latency is important for playing riven well, or does it not matter too much? I often play between 60-110 ping, and while I want to start focusing on riven more, I'm worried due to her animation cancels and such that my ping might not make that possible.

  5. My problem is getting bullied out of lane too easy and then when trading, losing it. Every time I see you trade, you get good damage off or you're able to not die. Or let's say csing in lane or near tower, I definitely would love to see an vs irelia, fiora, or even nasus. My last game vs those three or you can say, any champion I dont do much damage lol. They'll be very aggressive and end up in one trade, taking my health or the ability to freeze lane and I get behind. In the games if I've a good team I tend to play cautious at that point. I can get big late, and still win. I just want to get better at the early game

  6. your videos are so informational and fun to watch! do you always take alacrity or do you take the lifesteal and tenacity rune sometimes, depending on the match up?


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