MASSIVE CHANGES: NEW BUFFS & NERFS Coming in Patch 11.14 – League of Legends

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0:00​​​ Intro
0:53 Deadman’s Plate
1:36 Nocturne
2:35 Darius
3:22 Garen
3:37 Illaoi
4:34 QOTD
4:53 Irelia
5:05 Dr. Mundo
6:09 Lillia
8:07 Shaco
8:56 Xin Zhao
9:11 Graves
9:23 Ivern
9:45 Rek’sai
10:14 Akali
10:35 Malzahar
10:55 Ziggs
11:15 Seraphine
11:33 Karma
12:11 Taric
12:32 Tahm Kench
13:26 Conclusion
13:54 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.14, Best support 11.14, best mid laners 11.14, best junglers 11.14, best top laners 11.14, patch 11.14 rundown, 11.14 lol, 11.14 changes, item buffs 11.14, Dead man’s plate buffs 11.14, darius buffs 11.14, garen buffs 11.14, graves buffs 11.14, illaoi buffs 11.14, ivern buffs 11.14, rek’sai buffs 11.14, taric buffs 11.14, seraphine buffs 11.14, dr. mundo changes 11.14, irelia changes 11.14, lillia changes 11.14, tahm kench changes 11.14, akali nerfs 11.14, karma 11.14, malzahar 11.14, nocturne 11.14, shaco 11.14, xin zhao 11.14, ziggs 11.14,

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35 thoughts on “MASSIVE CHANGES: NEW BUFFS & NERFS Coming in Patch 11.14 – League of Legends”

  1. QOTD – Shaco.
    Invisibility + teleport every like 6-7 seconds. Perma clones. Box spamming with no mana issues… Single box attacks ALL targets in range. And also can be full AD or full AP and effective as both.
    The single most annoying champion. Like teemo, but with instant invisibility and a dash through walls.

  2. Sion R should be his passive.
    His R should be a "shout". Ennemis get debuffs.. Lose some defenses, get feared by your E, they can't break your W shield, and they can't walk out over the charged part of your Q.
    Since it's a shout, and it's an ultimate, and Sion is kind of a General.. I think buffing his team with his R could be great.. Maybe give them 50% of your W shield and increase their hp/mana regen?
    His R could be charged to increase the radius (allow him to charge it while running with his passive though)
    At rank3, fully charged could have a radius like.. Not global but close.
    Monsters run out of the jungle, away from Sion.

  3. Darius gets a buff after being bad for one patch, yet the likes of Syndra, Ryze and Azir have been terrible for ages, and there's not a single great mage in the game at the moment.

    They really REALLY don't know how to balance their game. Like at all. It's shockingly embarrassing at this point. Imagine nerfing fucking Ziggs when they finally got him into a good, viable spot. He was far from broken.

    Yetter's gone so it's just one down, a bunch more to go. Shittest season in the history of this game by far.

  4. I haven't been playing league long but I've taken a liking to lux and I don't really know what to think about her in the meta or the grand scheme of things because she seems good but I hardly if ever play ranked and I don't watch any high level play so can anyone give me their thoughts


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