More OP Runes/Champs/ Items in Preseason

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0:00 First Strike Kayn
2:05 Lethal Tempo Yone / Yasuo
3:38 Crown Kassadin
5:14 First Strike Kha’Zix
6:49 Glacial Augment Thresh
8:18 Lethal Tempo Warwick

Track: Convex – 4U (feat. Jex Jordyn) [NCS Release]
Warriyo – Mortals (feat. Laura Brehm) [NCS Release]
Track: Rival – Throne (ft. Neoni) (Lost Identities Remix) [NCS Release]


41 thoughts on “More OP Runes/Champs/ Items in Preseason”

  1. I really like lethal tempo taric supp
    An OP counter to any melee/engage supp. Thresh, Leona, Nautilus, Blitzcrank, Alistar, Pantheon. If they engage you stun them and spam autos. You charge letal tempo insanely fast thanks to the passive AS. ALWAYS buy tear on the first back
    Build is Frostfire into Fimblewinte and Frozen Heart, the rest of the items are your preference.
    So you can be on top of someone at all times, your stun and Frostfire slow give you the mana shield.

    If they pick a ranged support just take Glacial Augment instead

  2. The thing with league of legends is that certain champions are literally perfect counters to other champions. Like how Kassadin is perfect against Lee sin as Lee sin casts so much skills, (jumping to wards, q1 then q2, w1, then w2,) which all count towards his Kassadin's ultimate getting more jumps. It's the same with Irelia too, every Q she uses gives him a charge, however, with the old items, he never really had a way to fight them despite getting this, as you see here crown fixes that as he can go all out on them from the start while they need to do a single attack, mostly likely their weakest attack they can do, then wait 1.5 seconds which is all the time h Kassadin needs to either do too much damage, or even kill you.

  3. Great video but a correction: Lethal tempo doesn't give you a free berserker's, it gives you WAY more with 90% attack speed, and basically allows you to cap your Q cooldown with a single dagger (300g).

  4. Im too low elo to actually say its good, but first strike on ap malphite is hilarious. Good keystone for laning as malphite, super good secondary runes and then your Rs just print money. I legit have 2000 gold from that rune after a 30 min game. Very fun


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