NEW 12.2 TIER LIST: MASSIVE CHANGES! – League of Legends

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00:00 – Introduction
00:45 – Skins
01:12 – Systems
03:04 – Top Changes
04:14 – Top Tier List
04:56 – Jungle Changes
06:18 – Jungle Tier List
06:57 – Mid Changes
08:29 – Mid Tier List
09:06 – ADC Changes
09:49 – ADC Tier List
10:26 – Support Changes
13:46 – Support Tier List
14:27 – SkillCapped & Outro

#lolguides​​ #leagueoflegends​​ #skillcapped


35 thoughts on “NEW 12.2 TIER LIST: MASSIVE CHANGES! – League of Legends”

  1. How are they not going to mention the insane buff to Rengar with Duskblade? If he gets a kill he basically gets a Kha'zix jump reset. It's as if he gets to ult over and over if he's getting kills

  2. OH THANK GOD, i always kept missing my max range janna Q's by a pixel's nose hair! This 10 max range buff will surely fix the issue! thanks riot! lmao.

  3. i swear theres a conspiracy yone and yasuo have never been weak … there are just so many idiots playing those champs to drop their stats. The win rate dropped because they both are too mobile and don't punish you for misplaying. So yeah when skill becomes involved win rate is going to drop.

  4. "We want every champ to have multiple mythic options"
    Meanwhile (Samira,) Yas and Yone (who are still annoying af) get buffs cause Shieldbow got nerfed.

    Also: Pantheon mid S tier? I haven't seen any Pantheon anywhere in the past year or so…

  5. The fact they buff Yasuo and Yone shows riot doesn't play this game at all. Yone still can heal massve amounts from his build even with GV. Has multiple times of CC even though he hits like an assassin, and his E is still insane. That champion could be left where it is and still be totally okay since his kit just flows so well in the game when he's played well. Yasuo could recieve the buffs just cause he is pretty skill expressive and much more coinflip, but both at the same time is just wild. They're always very strong champs.


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