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Apex Legends Funny Moments Montage: *NEW* 30-30 REPEATER in Season 8 Will Be BROKEN! – NEW Apex Legends Funny & Epic Moments #542
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➥ Apex Legends Moments Video Sources:
RoboHoboProductions YouTube
phantom56657 reddit
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justmmonk reddit
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PSN- Coko1201 Gamer Tag
PunkKing Twitch
deadhagrid Youtube
Blanc342 reddit
g3rald0s reddit
jswood23 reddit
➥ Apex Legends Moments Music Sources:
✔ Apex Legends Video Credits:
● Published By: Jeremy – Gaming Curios
● Produced By: Jeremy – Gaming Curios
● Edited By:
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Anybody member when this channel was just 9 year olds who got squadwipes
Sooooo, a kill with mirage is a bamboozle?
That guy that had 26 kills was definitely on a smurf account
That opening clip was so clean. Also you and RaynDayGaming are why I got back into apex. Also that sentinel spree was insane
The SAME thing happened to me. Had a gold shield whole team down. Horizon tried to finish me off, but got killed by one of my traps. One of my teammates left but we won the game anyway. XD
Wish I had been recording.
Finally a lever action rifle. Is it actually going to be called the 30-30 as in the
irl caliber?
Not Tryna be pokey but the 30-30 is never action, not bolt…. but there similar so I’d see why some one would mix em up
Killing noobies in consoles isn't a big deal..
That gun looks like the gun from 'The Mandalorian'
9:10 definitelly a hacker or something thats not normal
first game and 6k damage, bruh thats definitelly a cheater
R99 with no skin hits 25 shots 70 dmg r99 with skin 3 shots 90 dmg 🖕
The people in that mirage clip were absolute bots
Shut up so I can watch
3:23 watttt
The weapon literally has "repeater" in the title and you still called it a bolt action.. i guess your excuse can be that youre from the UK so you lack gun knowledge
It's my perfect weapon! So psyched
I feel like the repeater will be like the wing man
The new gun is not a bolt action it's a lever action and I'm pretty sure it will be the same way that G7 is where you can't put sniper optics on it
3:30… as a wraith main, I feel this man’s pain. I’ve had that happen so many times. I even got killed by a door once while in phase. But yeah, she still needs a nerf right? 😂
6:05 that man’s controller is currently inside his wall 😂
i mean a repeater is not a sniper and not bolt action it's lever action and more akin to a assault rifle like how the g7 is
Dude it's a repeater….. It's not bolt action. A 30-30 repeater is a lever action rifle😑 seriously
The beginning here is why console is sometimes not fun when force to play against M.A.K., even in ranked
4:52 def not bolt action but leaver action
How is a repeater a bolt action? That makes no sense.
Meanwhile, my lvl 280 head ass still doesn’t have a heirloom and this man literally got one his 3rd pack.