NEW 4.01 PATCH FINALLY SAVES Valorant – DEATH of the ARES META – Update Guide

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43 thoughts on “NEW 4.01 PATCH FINALLY SAVES Valorant – DEATH of the ARES META – Update Guide”

  1. Just finished playing on the new patch, The Ares is still strong but it doesn't melt you down that fast anymore probably because everyone is still getting used to the changes but it is nice that you can still get punished for missing headshots on crouching spraying Ares players. Overall a good nerf.

  2. It's been said time and again that the Ares was buffed to sell more Ares skins, and then it would be nerfed shortly after. Fortunately for Riot, people fell for it because Ares skins don't sell as well as other guns. Same goes for the stinger.

  3. in my opinion , trying to solve toxicity is so pointless…I mean u can not do that as long as the game is multiplayer. Instead they should work on problems that make people toxic, and that's smurfing, trolling and afking etc.. League of Legends is dying game just bcuz of toxic community, and there is a lot of stuff that can be fixed in order for players to get less toxic. In other words STOP PUNISHING TOXIC PLAYERS AND START FIXING THE REAL PROBLEMS THAT CAUSE TOXICITY!

  4. The problem now in high ranks (and this isn't a problem). Is that there's no broken gun to go to on eco rounds. Its finally forcing true eco rounds, that are difficult to win (where as before you just force up spectre, and run n gun, or buy Ares and shred)

  5. lmao the recoil after the initial burst is crazy high. for the ares to be useful now just aim at the enemies knees and the recoil will help you headshot them

  6. If you declare with your mouth, Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the deadyou will be saved Romans 10:9Please We Need more souls to save and Hell and Rapture is the Consequence

  7. Thank god the ares got nerfed. I've seen way to many people spraying at corners while playing for picks with nothing you can do about it. Also, the spraying and good accuracy from across the map is stupid considering the fire rate and damage.

  8. Riot is a big stupid who buffed ares too much and then turned it into a trash gun, man it was even better before the buff wtf! now it's 1 useless gun in the buy menu, litrally 0 accuracy. even taps are 0% accurate ! guns are not that inaccurate even in real life, LMAO

  9. the Ares was good as it is before the buff , someone in riot games probably was sick from Ares players in ranked so he decided , i am gonna buff this weapon so Riot hot fix it and nerf the shit out of it later, bruh there was no reason to do all that , the weapon was perfect , it has low recoil but you need alot more of bullets to kill someone

  10. Well they sold many Ares Skins during this Drama. I play mainly Ares. Wish they didnt Buff and Nerfed and left the ares as it was before. Now it plays differently than before the Buff & Nerf. Hate it, dont keep changing things like this @ Riot..


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